"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."
william shakespeare
Is it written in the stars? Perhaps, yet these wise words from our friend William Shakespeare are so eloquent in turning the responsibility to where it belongs, within us. Each of us possesses the power of choice or free will. And yet when we are born, there is a dramatic photograph captured of our soul and this is called our birth chart. This image is not static, it speaks a language of past, present, and future simultaneously.
as·tro·ther·a·py /ˈastrō/ˈTHerəpē/
The integration of astrology-based practices with coaching, counseling or psychotherapy. i.e. working with an individual’s birth chart or an organization’s inception chart to understand and comprehend challenges and weaknesses to transmute and refine them into opportunities and strengths.
I chose Astrotherapy as a descriptive title for my work as the outcome is one of self-knowledge that supports personal transformation and growth. The stars mirror insight and provoke a dialogue that can take us deeper into the psyche; it is here that one can see what has been hidden, analyze it, initiate understanding, and learn how to transmute inner conflict and challenge, inspiring real change.
Your initial Astrotherapy session includes a thorough exploration of your personal birth chart.
Please note: A price increase will apply to all sessions after December 31st, 2024.
Natal chart sessions
Your initial Astrotherapy session includes a thorough exploration of your birth chart and provides insight into your purpose, will, strengths, challenges, dreams, vitality, and motivations. Each session is approximately 60 minutes and is offered virtually (it is highly recommended to receive a Natal Chart Session first).
focus Question sessions
A mix of working with current transits and your natal astrology as a lens for you to discover more about your present moment, this session focuses on one question or topic i.e. career, relationships, purpose, health, etc. Each session is approximately 30 minutes in length, offered virtually (it is highly recommended to receive a Natal Chart Session first).
Intention & Integration Sessions
Astrotherapy for those exploring nature and her medicine. This is a deep dive for those who would like to bring intentional awareness, based upon their personalized Astrology, to support the journey before it begins, during, and after. Each session is approximately 60 minutes in length, offered virtually (it is highly recommended to receive a Natal Chart Session first).
$250 for 1 session
$365 for a package including both
solar return sessions
A Solar Return session reflects the course of the year ahead starting on your birthday, and helps to predict themes of the next chapter of life. Every year is a new birth! These sessions are perfect for birthday sessions or birthday gifts. Each session is approximately 60 minutes (it is highly recommended to receive a Natal Chart Session first).
Compatibility SessionS
Whether you're seeking resolve or inspiration within your intimate or business relationships, a compatibility reading provides profound insight into the most important dynamics in your life. Each session is approximately 75 minutes in length, offered virtually (it is required to receive a Natal Chart Session first).
astrocartography Sessions
Where in the world do you find yourself? This is a big question and we have the opportunity to cast your chart upon the earth to see what geographical locations can provoke, inspire, disrupt, and bless your journey as a human being. Each session is approximately 30 minutes in length, offered virtually (it is highly recommended to receive a Natal Chart Session first).
current transit Sessions
Explore the current sky map reflected upon your natal chart with a current transit session. These sessions help one to discover the why behind the what, offering clarity for now and retrospective wisdom for then. These are approximately 60 minutes in length, offered virtually (it is highly recommended to receive a Natal Chart Session first).
AstroTracking Sessions
Inner work coaching infused with your unique astrology to support transformation in a sustained, supportive, and weekly rhythm. A profound way to get to know thyself.
Package details include: 3 months, 3 sessions per month, each session is approximately 60 minutes in length, (9 sessions total). (It is required to receive a Natal Chart Session first.)
Organizational Astrotherapy
Every organization and business has an astrological chart that begins with the date and time of its inception. We can learn about the characteristics, strengths, challenges, and imperative timing for decisions that capture the essence of the lifecycle of the organization in relationship with the Leadership and Executive teams that give it life every day.
Inquire for Packages and Rates
*Small businesses inquire for special offer
"We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis."
LeeAnn Taylor

knowing ourselves requires deep study.
We can learn a lot about ourselves, our karma, and our inner work by studying this exquisite gift of cosmic information based on the time, day and location you arrived on this planet. Continue your astrological journey with a specific focus on relationships, career, health and solar transits for the years to come to enhance your own understanding.
Check here for Astrological Insights
Sessions range from 30 to 90 minutes in length depending, and are offered virtually.
*Ciela reserves the right to reschedule sessions at anytime.
If you have any questions regarding bookings please email athena@cielawynter.com.