The Astrotherapy podcast

with Ciela Wynter


How Dare Thee Underworld?

Behold the Full Scorpio Moon in a T-Square with Pluto in Aquarius. This is not a time to run and hide, this is a time to face the music. Be bold, be daring, go deep, and relish in the opportunity to seize the day from within. This should be a holiday for inner work and I encourage each of us to celebrate it as if it is. Pluto is asking some hard questions that will illuminate your intimate shadowlands as you search for the answers. Let yourself relax back into the green pastures of your Taurus realm while you serve your egos up for review. What a great time to learn how to self-observe rather than self-indulge. Blessings!

What Color Is Your Journey?

New year, new levels of discernment! Let’s go my friends, the 2024 moment is ripe for a revvvvvolution of your mind. the party is just getting started with Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter direct…(so is Mercury, honorably mentioned here) and invitations to explore new frontiers within to know yourself with a fervor! Who’s in? I am…

What Did 2023 Teach You?

Episode 15: It’s that time of year again, yes the full Cancer Moon is inviting an emotional cleansing in the realm of family, ancestry and the lineage of memories that live deep within. Just in time for the Holidays! What lessons have you learned this year? In this episode I share some of the most powerful for me and look forward to hearing from you about yours…

Are You Afraid of the Darkness?

Episode 14: If you’ve ever been curious to know thyself, you will not find it by daylight alone. Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year is more than a ritual, more than a celebration of seasonal shift, it is a metaphorical mirror of the rhythm of your psyche. Mercury retrograde calls us into a cocoon while Jupiter blows a kiss from the heavens above. Enjoy this blissful moment while you can and yet, the invitation to face self-deception keeps you on your toes or so this episode shall have you consider…

Why Dream?

Episode 13: Special Bonus Episode! Are you a dreamer? My intuition is that you are as in some way, I sense that we are all dreamers. There are so many realms and dimensions that one can access via this state of being and it doesn't necessarily require you to be asleep, in fact dreaming awake is where it is at! Enjoy this Bonus Episode and sweet dreams to you...

Ready to Go in?

Episode 12: It’s that time of year when holiday festivities run high and yet my energy wants to crawl into a cocoon and metamorphosis through the winter solstice. Mercury retrograde agrees and is inviting us to reassess and relax into the preparation for the year ahead. Happy New Moon in Sagittarius to you as we both begin a new cycle an simultaneously bring this year to a close…

How Do You Surf the Vicissitudes of Life?

Episode 11: Are you an athlete of life? Surfing the waves of come what may takes serious skill when wanting to do so with graceful awareness. In this episode we explore 4 lessons that can support a smooth approach even when the ride is bumpy…

What Now?

Episode 10: Now is such a particular moment in time. What is actual, what is true can only fully express in the now moment. How is it that we fatefully overlook this infallible mystery at overwhelming rates? Learn from the stars how to capture the now in essence…

plams and a waxing moon

How Can I Help?

Episode 9: In this episode we dissect the notion of ‘help,’ where it comes from and how it can actually be more of a problem than a solution. Join me in discovering how being of authentic service can be the best help, for you and everyone else…

Are You Free?

Episode 8: This new moon in Scorpio begs the question of personal freedom and reveals potential as to how deep one must go to find it. The heated rebellion is on the rise with Mars conjunct this new moon opposite Uranus. How will you wield this unruly new cycle?

What Do You Remember?

Episode 7: Where does memory live inside of your psyche? Have you ever explored what makes memory, memory? In this episode, we slow down to explore how embodied memory is a path to self-realization. Sit back, enjoy the show, and don’t forget to re-member…

What Ends Here?

Episode 6: Not every full moon packs such a rigorous punch as a full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. The Scorpio sunlight upon the moon’s face is severed by Earth to complete a 2-year cycle of death, rebirth, and transformation…what are you dying to and can you imagine the rebirth yet to come?

What Is Sacred?

Episode 5: A circular exploration within the meaning of the word and essence that is ‘Sacred’. Shamanism, the spectrum of magic, spiritual paradox and the juxtaposition between the subjective and objective reality are up for review. How do you define your every day?

Who Is at War?

Episode 4: Perspective is King and at times like this, perspective also brings light to darkness, illuminating the path ahead. I don’t know what your moment is like but I am grateful to be able to share mine with you in this unedited and reflective cast…

What Is the Source of Your Inspiration?

Episode 3: Inspiration is perhaps the greatest gift one could possibly receive. Where does yours come from? For me, to inspire is to breathe in life and experience it fully. How wonderful is that? Join in me in discovery of this question...

Why Is Now a Good Time to Know Thyself?

Episode 2: I’m back with more musings on this week’s journal exploring the balancing act between the 1st and 7th house axis, Aries and Libra…illuminated by today’s Aries Supermoon. #unedited and #untethered…enjoy!

Balance Means…?

Episode 1: This is an unedited, kind of drafty/experimental episode! Welcome to Libra Season where new seasons and perspectives are knocking. Explore my weekly journal and mindful musings with me.