Do You Feel the Edge?


Q: Do You Feel the Edge?

A: The first new moon of the year, a powerful gravitational pull into the Capricorn sphere of vigilant and strategic footing. This is your life. Take a moment and look around. What do you see? Who is there? What is the tone? What is your mood? And is it changing?

Let’s go deeper. Can you sense a presence not found in your external environment but much deeper inside of you? A new moon supports looking inward, a calling home to the origin of self…if you are willing to be still and know. The paradox of this moment is the undercurrent of growth that is so deeply uncomfortable for some of us. Raise a glass if this is you and cheers to the depth of transformative elegance that you have access to. Go for it.


An example? I want to crawl out of my skin. I observe my mind reaching for anything to distract me from my current internal and somewhat mythical sensations as if surrounded by encrusted skin that is rubbing my new baby skin in all the wrong ways. Alert, time to shed.

I recently had a major revelation of my reluctance to let go in such situations as I found a part of myself hoarding old skins in some kind of damp dungeon of my psyche. It was an attempted sabotage of the earnest work I had already done to shed said skin. I was surprised at the consistent attention my unconscious ego constantly gives to urging me into the failure of awakening.

Inner work is not for the faint of heart - this is known. And for me, it is so visceral. Yet, it is for the adventurous, that is for certain. As a Capricorn Sun, I love this season. I feel very at home on the precipice of the steeps, high stakes, and the necessity to work with determination to reach the aim of my heart.


This new moon is a blessed one, and while trining Uranus, benefic and inspired change is in the air. We are fortunate to have Jupiter and Mercury freshly direct, Mars in Capricorn, and an auspicious trine between Mars and Jupiter invigorating this cycle with epic enthusiasm and energy for good. Utilize it well and you’ll receive the gifts you have already worked so hard for.

We’ve come through the Winter Solstice, the Gregorian New Year of January 1st, and have now arrived here, the completion of the moon cycle that has carried over from the Sagittarius New Moon of 2023. There is an edge and I am feeling it, emotionally, psychically, physically, mentally…and what is an edge anyway? It is a moment of growth, and invitation to move past it, an indicator of what has been and what will be. It is a choice point. Stay at the edge and remain in the tension of the status quo, OR lean into it and allow yourself to stretch beyond what is comfortable and see what happens.

There is a lot of goodness raining from the cosmos at this time. I think we should celebrate and enjoy it while we have it and bring it to each other in the form of our own unique offerings to our beloveds and the world. What is your gift? What are you offering? Your patience? Self-responsibility? Creativity? A willingness to change your mind? Gifts can come in all shapes and sizes, I recommend with this Uranus trine that you go deep into the very unique and eclectic realm of your self-expression and throw a disco worth remembering. Here’s to the fun ahead!

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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