I’m Questioning Everything This Full Moon, Are You?


Q: I’m Questioning Everything This Full Moon, Are You?

A: Tracing Virgo's genesis, you will come to the Vestal Virgin—representing the purest of pure. The Vestal Virgins were the priestesses of Vesta who were honored to guard the temple’s sacred fire or the original hearth. This sacred fire is both literal and metaphorical, a fire that represents both the cosmic and the terrestrial, and is both ancient and eternally new. Welcome to the paradox of Virgo...

Today we have a full moon in Virgo, reflecting the sunlight from the mystical Piscean waters as well as a deep stare down with both Mercury and Saturn on either side of the Sun. There is something very potent about this moon and the intensity that it brings regarding communication, perspectives, and the karmic angle wedged between both. Be vigilant in conversation and observe from where you are speaking, it just might make or break an important bond.

Virgo in essence, is a purifying sign, one that holds a high standard represented by the purity of the eternal flame. If invited to reach for the Virgoan bar, be aware that perfection does not exist in this plane of reality and the only other place to fall is into imperfection. Many of us humans can live with this, but for a Virgo, it can be a hard pill to swallow.

Vesta is the Roman virgin goddess of family, home, and the sacred hearth. A full moon in Virgo is an invitation to return home to a part of yourself and yet to do it, there is a required act of purification. What is it that you need to detoxify from your system? Negative beliefs? Mechanistic ways of being? Disorder in your communication? Most likely you will be encouraged to align with a deeper knowing that is ready to slough off any superficiality that has crept into your sphere of influence. Take what you can to the sanctuary of your inner fire.


Health is also on the table. Are you one of many whose immune systems have been deeply taxed over the last few months? I ask this as I raise my hand. The emotional turbulence has been real in this world at a time of war with little peace. When one part of our world (body) is at war, everyone(‘s body) is at war. There is no way around this, as there is no separation, just various degrees of awareness and justification. It is a sad day to witness so many human lives being destroyed, and yet due to the perpetual numbing of our culture, somehow becoming accepted as simply the way it is. This is not just the way it is, it is the way we have become.

Those of us not in the immediacy of danger or externalized war today have a responsibility to do our part, to work on ourselves, and to become more and more real. You never know when war will come knocking, whether in your homeland reality, physically embodied, or within the inner psychic landscape. And now the Vestal Virgin of my psyche is pleading with me to simplify my life. To purify the false and to release what is not in service to my health, wellness, and general well-being. Currently, I am at war within myself and I need to replenish. I’ve both been reluctant to let go of what has been and simultaneously navigating some incredibly deep karmic processes of reclamation beyond lineage.


As a Taurus Moon, I can also be stubborn in letting go. Sometimes I will hold on because it feels better to do so in the moment and it is a rugged journey to move through a death process understanding it is necessary to do so even when it hurts. I am human after all and humans are prone to attachments. Saturn conjunct Sun conjunct Mercury opposing this Virgo Moon is indicative of the need to disentangle elements of the mind from the karma that binds it. This can only be done through thorough analysis, a superpower of the Vestal Virgin who sees by Knowing and understands through observation. Virgo also knows how to let go, to release what is inefficient in order to organize and clarify moving forward.

Questions are arising in every arena of my life. When this happens I know I am in for a sea change and I buckle up. The questions are invitations that begin to loosen the grip of my most recent reality. And here I am…asking them of myself with as much courage as I can muster. Why courage? Because if you are willing to ask, you must be ready to know.

What is coming up for you?

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