What Are the Lyrics to the Songs of MYTHOLOGY? Track 3


Q: What Are the Lyrics to the Songs of MYTHOLOGY?

A: Anthem

Remember when you drank the cup

Of forgetfulness

The memories they went disrupt 

Now I fight for them

Through life I have always sought 

The answers to why I’m here

What’s my purpose beyond my dreams

And why should I even care

It’s the lightness that I seek

Not the darkness that comes from me

Now I’m gaining the strength with every step

For what? That I cannot see

Freedom’s why I seek the light

And I’m praying deep to liberate time

And you’re taking me from this darkened night

Into a higher, higher state of mind

State of mind

Seeing is just not enough 

I need understanding

I keep praying that you’ll help me see

So I know what needs to be

It’s the glory 

Of transforming yesterday 

Into good morning, good morning

Courageous being is the way

I’m not who I used to be

Living wisdom is my King

And love is my Queen

Freedom’s why I seek the light

And I’m praying deep to liberate time

And you’re taking me from this darkened night

Into a higher, higher state of mind

State of mind

Into a higher, into a higher

Into a higher, higher, higher state of mind

Into a higher, into a higher

Into a higher, higher, higher state of mind

I do believe in miracles 

But this is mine to do

The miracle is mercy

And it’s Heaven’s gift to you

Freedom’s why I seek the light

And I’m praying deep to liberate time

And you’re taking me from this darkened night

Into a higher, higher state of mind

Into a higher, into a higher

Into a higher, higher, higher state of mind

Into a higher, into a higher

Into a higher, higher, higher state of mind

Into a higher, into a higher

Into a higher, higher, higher state of mind

Listen to Anthem here!

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