What Captivates You Now?


Q:What Captivates You Now?

A: Hello out there! Is anyone else feeling insatiable about what you are learning? There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. One moment I am expanding my astrological knowledge into the vastness, the next I am toning my vocal cords with new exercises, after which I dance to unexplored rhythms, and then attempt to memorize the lyrics of old songs. All of this is juxtaposed with the balancing act of my brain seeking reprieve from the overflow of new terrain I discover on a daily basis through my J.O.B. in the Architecture & Design sector. Multi-task learning is the perfect crescendo to wrap up Gemini season on this new moon in Gemini.


Perhaps you aren’t familiar with Roman Goddesses and their relationship with astrology. I mention this because today’s new moon is conjunct Juno, an asteroid named after the wife of Jupiter (placing her on the throne as an exalted cosmic partner to the King of the zodiac). In this dynamic conjunction, marriage and partnerships of all kinds will be more infused with the energy of this next moon cycle. Neptune is also squaring this moon which can bring forth confusion and challenging situations that will need to be attended to by calling forth your powers of discernment.

Juno, known as the Queen of the Gods, wasn’t always queen. In all mythologies, including your personal epic that continues to unwind from your past and reveal your future with every step and choice you take, one begins life in one phase and goes through a deep transformation at some point to become who one truly is. Juno has many facets to her presence and names that have described her various roles throughout as an archetype and Goddess.


Juno Covella is a name given to her in honor of her role as the goddess of the new moon. She is the one who initiates the beginning, and, by default, midwifes us through the end of a moon cycle as well. And a midwife she is, the goddess of childbirth is also known as Juno Lucina, or one who brings to light. Her very name reminds me of the truth that in order to come into the light, one must first traverse the dark. And ultimately she is revered as Juno Regina, Queen of the Gods, married to Jupiter (or in Greek mythology she is married to Zeus and known as Hera).

As the goddess of the new moon, she also ruled over the ancient Roman calendar which actually started the month with each new moon. Months were around 29 days give or take and followed the precise rhythms and cycles of nature. This way of life feels incredibly intuitive and natural to me, I vote we return to this at some point as a humanity. Perhaps much of our disease and misalignment would change simply by coming into harmony with the percussion between the earth, moon, sun, and other planetary bodies.


Imagine your psyche, body, and heart feeling in complete coherence with the external energetics at play. Where everyone was attuned to the same rhythm of beginnings, waxing, waning, and completions. It would be a different world of commonality and compassion, understanding, and collaboration. Birth, play, work, reflection, rest, rejuvenation, and repeat. We already go through these cycles as individuals anyhow, but when we sync up with the moon cycle, there is assistance and gravitas that ushers in new forms of revelation, insight, and internal support. Who doesn’t want that? And if our society was following said rhythms, I just have to wonder what possibilities of harmony could pour forth.

For those of you who read these journals on a weekly basis, I wonder how many of you realize that these journals follow the moon cycle? I write upon the new moon, the waxing first quarter moon or half moon, the full moon, and the waning 3rd quarter (half) moon. For over five years, I have written these journals in honor of these rhythms and to capture the essence of how these cycles influence the psyche as well as the world stage. I invite you to consider engaging with the moon cycle in your own life, inner process, and as a lens through which to experience and observe life itself. There is a captivating vein of cosmic gold awaiting you on this new moon and the invitation is coming from Juno, goddess of light and rebirth.

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