What Now?


Q: What now?

A: I love this question because what else is there but now? I mean, despite that most people either live in the past - lamenting, dwelling, yearning to change, or traumatized by what has come before, or live in the future - hopeful, daydreaming of, or worried about a time that has yet to come - now is all we ever have.

And for me, now is different than any other now. And most likely for many of you too. Even in a world that can appear more and more bleak every day I am filled with an unbridled sense of joy and enthusiasm for what is possible. How? Because of what lives in the now.

If I take now and stretch it open for a thoughtful dissection of parts I find my pure heart, also self-awareness, objectivity, and God. All that is good lives in the now and if I attune myself to it, worlds open up to me that before only lived in the past or future. That means I can access other dimensions and time travel through presence. Worth it.

Also, this question insinuates change. What now? Because what has been is over. There is no more of before, only what is. Asking what now is also provocative, a bit coy, and playful. There is a slight dare inside the question itself, as if to nudge you a bit further out of your comfort zone.


One way I explore this question within myself and my Astrotherapy clients is through reading current transits in relation to the birth chart. Just like weather patterns, you can assess your personal climate, excel efficiency with beneficial cosmic weather, or watch for upcoming storms to plan for with precautionary measures.

Our birth chart is a life cycle that begins with the first house and completes in the 12th. Throughout our life, the planetary celestial bodies travel counter-clockwise through our psyche living out their own cycles, dying and rebirthing at different speeds and rhythms. Knowing where you are and what planets are making formative cycle shifts can provide immense support for you and your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Truly, I am in constant awe as to how precisely the stars and planets reveal the inner workings of my soul. Mirror, mirror of the sky…how do you know me so well? I ask both in jest and in utter astonishment. In a moment I pause and remember that the firmament is a macrocosm to the microcosm of my internal galaxy. I rest back into an acceptance of all that is while following the inspiration to make great progress if I so choose, through my willingness to listen and take action.

What now? Magic. Love. Grace. Change. Trust. Possibility. Realization. Presence. Fortitude. Inspiration. Devotion. Discipline. Wonder. Education. Co-creation. Decisiveness. Work. Comprehension. Truth. Revelation. Unfolding. Mystery. Nourishment. Gravity. Willingness. Acceptance. Ritual. Yes.

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.