Which Way Will They Blow?


Q:Which Way Will They Blow?

A: The winds of change are here. Deep in your bones, a new reality is fertilizing your inner soil yet discovered. One that is unrecognizable to the current collective mind. Can you feel these winds that are calling us into a new future? I can feel them, I can hear their howl too. Two years ago I was invited to explore astrology from 2020 - 2030 on a podcast and what I saw was both chilling and inspiring. The cosmos seems to be blasting transformation from an exalted karmic combination of profound medicinal astrology to cure the weakness of our societal blues from every angle. How about that?

Well, as I have found through experience, not all medicine tastes good and often the more bitter it is, the stronger and more powerful. And I don’t want to be the bearer of bitter news so instead I’ll just keep it all to myself. Haha. No, that isn’t how this goes. When I see the stars indicating such strong truths right before my eyes, I feel a responsibility to share the tonality of the message. And this decade is a STRONG one…but you already knew that!


Part 1. Where we’ve been.

Just a reminder, we started this decade off with a Saturn/Pluto Conjunction on the lunar full moon eclipse in January 2020. In short, the Lord of Karma and the Lord of the Underworld met in council to plan the inside out-ing of our current worldview and thus our inner experience regarding politics, institutions, established rules and hierarchies, art, finance and so much more. Art is the channel through which society expresses itself and thus rebels against itself. I love these words from Ai Weiwei that for me sum up this decade, “Everything is art. Everything is politics.”

Jupiter and Saturn initiated a new 20-year cycle with the presence of futurism and Aquarian finesse with the Great Conjunction that closed out 2020. More Saturn in the news with a series of squares to Uranus as they danced through 2021 which brought the labor pains of expansion and contraction throughout our daily routines, forcing functions to consider how we want to live amongst one another, nourish ourselves and prepare for the changes ahead.

2022 Invited us into the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse cycle which rocked the boat of any seeming stability under our feet. That Scorpionic South Node journey cleared the cobwebs and brought forth the skeletons out of wherever you have Scorpio in your chart. Secrets no more! And if you still have them, time to let them go as we head into a fiery mid-decade to come…


Part 2. Where we are.

Here we are halfway through 2023 and how doth you fair? It has been a rocky road over here clearing out some major Karma and riding the waves of Pluto as it retrogrades back into Capricorn after that “tech”-tonic glimpse of what the next 20 years will entail with Pluto in Aquarius. AI anyone? But I am thankful to have moved into a new Nodal Axis of Aries and Libra. This season is all about relationships and inquiry will arise if it hasn’t already as to who you are being when alone, with your intimate others, and with the outside world. The current Venus retrograde is a great time to get all your “selves” aligned and perhaps find rest and repose in just being “yourself” regardless of where you are and who you are with.

Today is a powerful full moon in Aquarius. Jupiter trines Mars giving us the ignition to apply ourselves where we are being called to act with courage. Saturn opposes Mercury and provides seriousness to the conversations at hand. Let Saturn strengthen the foundation of the integrity of your words. Say what you mean and you will find your way to a brighter horizon. We are in the midst of retrograde days…Saturn, Pluto, Venus, Neptune. And soon Mercury and Uranus will also turn their gaze. Take note, time to go in, chill out, relax, and reflect. Any momentum should be in the direction of your inner work. Come September, you can unleash your refined self toward your goals and dreams.

Stay tuned for Part 3. Where we are going…

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.