Why Dream?

The Nuances of dreaming

Q: Why dream?

A: It takes a certain way of being to be a dreamer. I am not talking about the typical daytime or night-time variety. As you can see, being a dreamer has many nuances as well as different places to exist within our own minds and in the minds of others. Dreamers could be seen as ethereal, flaky, new-age, visionary, tribal, mystical, aloof, mysterious, etc. There are so many ways in which society perceives the archetype of the dreamer. I wonder if all of us are dreamers in there somewhere, and maybe it is just a matter of how much we nurture or allow this infinite well of possibility to flourish.

Shall we introduce ourselves beyond the stereotype and see what happens? I’ll go first, hi, my name is Ciela and I’ve been a dreamer my whole life. I dream to remember and I dream to listen. I dream as I am guided and I dream to expand my potential…Dreaming is a favorite way of being as it is my Being’s way. When I align with my essence, I dream into new realms of thought, and imaginative realities that call me home, and I realize myself differently than I do when I forget to dream.


Why does dreaming incite fear or sometimes judgment? I’ve actually been accused of using dreams as a basis to prove situational dramas in “reality”. For me, I was living a situational drama and was dying inside. My dreams were a vehicle my Being was utilizing to help me awaken to the dangerous reality I had found myself within. I have had dreams that have saved my life. It is incredible to learn to listen to the depths available beyond what I am conscious of. Dreaming offers a threshold through the labyrinth of my own mind into new destinies.

Now I am not saying that every dream is real or unreal. That is up to each one of us to decipher. For me, there is something “real” in every dream, whether I love it or loathe it, the dream I have exists within my own psyche. It is my responsibility to understand what is being exposed or shown to me, period. Sometimes dreams are about other people too, and I can learn about the relationships in my life this way. And also, everyone and thing in my dream is a part of me. Sometimes this is difficult to acknowledge.


Dreams are unlimited and express through vast forms of expression! Right now, I am living a dream. Dreams of New York have filtered in and out of my psyche for decades. I never knew I would live here and often I worked with the symbology of the city as a certain realm of my mind. I could never have imagined I would live here in the flesh…or could I have imagined? Did I in fact imagine it?I suppose I did, in my dreams. And now I am dreaming of new visions, ideas, concepts, realities, relationships, and distant and intimate futures that inspire. I look forward to living these dreams too.

So why do I dream? I cannot not dream. I dream as I breathe, I dream to live, and I live to dream. What are your dreams? Please share them if you are so inclined. When we share our dreams we understand them newly, we see ourselves, and we can become them if we dare.

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.