Are Your Feelings My Feelings Too?

the feels with a new moon in cancer

Q: Are Your Feelings My Feelings Too?

A: Today is a New Moon in Cancer. While the moon is nestled at home in this sign, there is a heightened emotional frequency that cannot be avoided. Right now is about feelings. You have them, I have them and at times, as different as we are, we may be surfing similar feelings. In historic moments such as this one in the US, we can easily feel strongly about the issues at hand and their impact. It is also an excellent time to observe ourselves and our relationship to these emotions.

The astrology of this moment does indicate a crisis point. Whether this is indicated for you in the collective or in your personal life, externally or internally revealed, each one of us is experiencing some sort of buried theme coming to a head. Although the living of this situation into reality may come as a shock on one level, if I attend closely to the origin story of this “shock”, there is often an obvious trail of indications that can help me come to understand how I got here in the first place. Here, being on the receiving end of new insights, information, or news that has a direct or indirect impact on my life on more levels than is obvious to the eye.


I love astrology as a reference point and mirror that can support profound perception around the layers underneath what can be seen. And when a crisis point arrives, there are avenues of conflict resolution which, if attended to consciously, can eventually lead to the harmonization of the crisis at hand. This new moon offers such reprieve.

Back to feelings. There are emotions stirred which results in a plethora of feelings washing ashore the intimate psyche within. I invite each of us to pull the focus inward, even and especially in times of external upheaval, to get in touch with something that is within our control. Do you know the serenity prayer?

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can, and

Wisdom to know the difference.

This may not be the answer for your moment. And sometimes it is difficult to know the difference. Personally, I truly appreciate this prayer that I learned through friends of mine who have sought refuge and sanctuary within the AA program.


As this new moon in Cancer indicates a deep well of emotional churn throughout this moon cycle, Jupiter and Venus in the mix help guide us into harmony and provide balm to the weary. As with all new moons, this is both the beginning and the end of a cycle. A time to grieve and review, and a time to look ahead with optimism and faith. The paradox is as stark as the great teachers of death and rebirth.

Jupiter squares this new moon which may amplify the feelings at hand, while simultaneously boosting a radiance of inner confidence at best and a sense of despair at worst. Perhaps the choice is ours, circling back to knowing and accepting the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

With a sextile to Jupiter and a semisextile to the moon, Venus adds delight, inspiration, love, and generosity, reminding us that love is powerful beyond measure and can soothe even the weariest of travelers with kindness and affection. Can you embody the Venus within your own heart as an act of rebellion? Where can you give and be love today? Despite the differences that we experience as humans, perhaps knowing that somewhere deep inside humanity exists a common thread and feeling of love.

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.