How Dare Thee Underworld?


Q: How Dare Thee Underworld?

A: This is not just any full moon, nor just any full moon in Scorpio. Does anyone else feel that the intensity of the recent astrology is somehow on purpose? As a means of conveying a message of sorts? I make up that the cosmic thunderous rhetoric of this decade - starting with that Saturn/Pluto conjunction just after the Cancer Full Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse in January of 2020 - is less of an invitation and more of a coercion to attune with self-responsibility.


Think about it. Saturn, Lord of Karma, and Pluto, Lord of the Underworld came together in a very auspicious and foreboding manner as a seed planted at the initiation of a new decade. That seed was one of the destruction of the false patriarchal and rigid structures that built the governance and systems that are now being “reevaluated”. I am not saying that the ideal result of the end of patriarchy is to be replaced by matriarchy. I honestly sense that a balancing act of the distinct feminine and masculine pillars of our Being is an important threshold that represents a gateway into self-knowledge.

Self-discovery, self-knowledge, self-responsibility - this is not about being self(ish). It is rather that orienting toward looking within for answers is an antidote to the distractions of the world. As opposed to the self-centered habitual ways of being that the majority of us have chosen in the current dogma of modern society. Pluto is in Aquarius, and Aquarius is the kingdom of the social collective. Pluto is here to change our ways on a massive scale. Leave it to Pluto to go big or go home.


The Full Moon in Scorpio that is blessing us on April 23rd, 2024 is a wake-up call. The kind of call that only true heroes and heroines are courageous enough to answer. The Sun is in Taurus, an earthy embodiment of our values and principles. The Moon is in Scorpio, the emotional resonance of black silken midnight waters. These two signs are in opposition to each other, pulling the edges of a powerfully sensual and deeply transformative spectrum of Being. The exquisite finalé and cherry on top of this Full Moon is a T-square with Pluto in Aquarius. With both the Sun and the Moon squaring Pluto, the intensity of the Full Moon is now amplified to a precarious degree.

So what does this mean for you? Depending on where and which houses this T-square aspect falls in your personal chart, you are being given an opportunity to transform your psyche radically and permanently. Regardless, this opportunity comes from a Plutonic Aquarian realm which may have us all rethinking our individual participation within the whole of humanity and how our lives can be utilized toward solution rather than a continuation of the ongoing lists upon lists of problems we are facing together.


Think of the alchemical transmutation of fire, for example. It comes through, it burns, it destroys, and it turns everything to ash. That is a permanent end to what once was. And yet, amidst the ashes themselves, the phoenix rises as a symbol of rebirth from the void of what has been and the beginning of what will be. Becoming a solution is a choice that requires a restructuring of our lives, levels of comfort, perspective, and priorities. This Moon is just another chapter in the story of our collective metamorphosis during the decade of 2020-2030.

Burn bright my friends. I hope the recent Uranus/Jupiter conjunction illuminated unexpected possibilities for your potential! May you transform and rise this Scorpio Full Moon as a phoenix within your own heart, mind, and body temple.

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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