Oh So Subtle?


Q: Oh So Subtle?

A: After decades of feeling the call, I am finally a student of the art that is Qi Gong. Throughout my life, I’ve had several opportunities to explore modalities of embodiment that weave together the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga has been my primary practice for the last 3 decades, starting early as a counter to my competitive athletic endeavors as a child. Wow, that feels like an eternity and (at the same time) is just a moment, a mere glimpse of life that occurs on this planet through the consistent cycles of birth, life, and death. We are all such unusual and unique individuals with various needs, backgrounds, and origin stories. Perhaps, for me, I had to build a foundation of exploring my inner realms physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to practice Qi Gong in the way I wanted to. And it is here where I begin…


I am honored to be a beginning Min Jie Qi Gong practitioner where everything is possible. Fresh and new, at least in this lifetime, although sometimes when arriving at something new there is also a chance we’re picking up from where we left off in a previous one, or lifetimes before that. As I cross the threshold of observer and curious cat into that of a commitment, I am enjoying the parallels of learning this vast and dramatic art to my continued study of learning the language of the stars.

For many of you, astrology may be just one of those things that people do, it could be interesting at most, but probably without much connection or understanding of what it is. For others, you may be more aware of its existence every day with a building curiosity or perhaps even a sense of feeling compelled toward it in some way. Others of you have dipped your toes in by booking a reading and perhaps have started to follow your horoscope. While others are wading into the sea, not yet knowing what you don’t know and are answering a call, a magnetic pull into the knowledge of this mysterious and poetic language.



My relationship with Qi Gong has been a similar journey and it is such a gift to place my feet on the earth as a student. The practice is enigmatic, revealing itself to me in the most subtle of ways. Every breath, every movement, every moment…all together form an experience to explore from within. There is an emergence of qi (the fundamental vital energy in the entire Universe and all living organisms) that I am cultivating and my awe and wonder are so expansive around this phenomenon. Could it be that to be human is also to be an endless supply of magnificence and magic? Quite possibly. And when I turn my attention to the stars I have to ask the same. Does the Universe provide unlimited resources for the exploration of the supernatural? What is the difference between the universe that exists within a human and the one that exists outside? What is the same? Are they one universe?


When I read charts I always begin by encouraging my client to open their vision and approach their chart as a sphere rather than a one-plane map. This provides us with an entirely new perspective from which we can discover the dimensionality of what it is we are about to engage with.

To say I am excited is an understatement. Thrilled, enthusiastic, grateful…doesn’t quite touch the sentiment I’m experiencing. To be on the cusp of the new, traversing the tender subtlety that bridges awareness between what one can see and touch with that which can only be felt and known from within.

Having found both yoga and astrology in those formative years so long ago, there still isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not learning something entirely new through those schools of Being. A powerful reminder that I will always be a beginner if I allow myself to be.

To be continued…

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