What Is Possible?
Q: What Is Possible?
A: Somehow deep in my bones, I have unlimited access to eternal optimism. Maybe this is my true superpower or is this because I am an Enneagram 7, the Enthusiast? Or perhaps this is due to my unwavering faith? The faith that has come alive in me from direct experience of living the impossible into reality. What matters is that I remember everything is possible, even in the face of great challenges and obstacles, and to help my friends remember this too.
On this Full Moon in Aries, we are inching closer to the upcoming eclipse portal from October 25th - November 8th. Something in the air feels a bit eerie, although October often lends itself to this sensation…cooler days, the winds of change are blowing, and mystery is unfolding. While this moon has a potency that only the Aries/Libra axis itself holds, one that engages the dialogue between self and other, it is the coming weeks that have my attention. And by the way, did you look at the moon last night nestled close to Jupiter? The great amplifier of the cosmos gave this Aries moon a kiss of ignition.
As an optimist, I find that there is no lack of opportunity to transmute a difficult or challenging situation into a silver lining. And currently, like so many others of you, I feel very uncomfortable with this moment of growth. And whether your moment looks like a move, a change in career, the birth of a child, a death of a loved one, or an inner nudge toward a new reality, I share with you tears of release. Sometimes it can feel like the tears are far away, or perhaps in the throat or near the eyes but still building in pressure before the gift of letting go can occur.
I am learning so much from this discomfort and have been playfully calling it “discomfortable.” It feels as if I walk around with a swelling up of emotion at times but I can’t quite pinpoint the exact feeling that is yearning to express. Is it confusion, an unsettledness, a loss or mourning of a previous identity that no longer exists? Is it that I don’t have the answer or the rootedness or stability of my “next” while surfing the same chaotic waves of the times as everyone else? Is there a sense of security that I long for but am having to be patient with myself as I build that security brick by brick and day by day? Or is it that I have stripped away every distraction and previous anchoring of “this is who I am” and am left to stare with bewilderment at a blank canvas of being?
Today the full moon is conjunct Chiron and opposite the Sun and Venus. Chiron is a great teacher, the one who is honest enough to reveal the wounds we may prefer to avoid while offering an opportunity to heal from the depths like never before. The time is now, and if I avoid this discomfort in favor of seeking comfort at any cost, I could very well miss this window of transformative possibility that is the very bridge I am seeking to walk into my next chapter of life.
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