What Is Up?


Q: What Is Up?

A: Wow! After months and months of feeling the gravitational pull into my personal dark night depths, I am truly excited to be looking up again. I don’t want to put too much into this moment, if there is anything I have learned of late, it is to not have strong attachments in any one direction or to assume the best or worst. So here I am, joyful beyond, content, and…curious.


Today I gave birth to my first EP, and I am thrilled! Honestly, it has been less than a year since I received the internal nudge to start making music and it has been such a gift. Parallel to the awakening of music within my heart I have had to face innumerable external challenges and inner deaths that have rocked me to my core. I’ve survived many inquiries around trust, impossibility, surrender, and faith. Needless to say, it has easily been the most difficult year of my life so far, and many of you know I have had some hard years before this one.

Yet! In the midst of the twisting, turning, churning, and burning, music has been a close friend. We’re still getting to know each other; I suppose as we are always getting to know our loved ones and ourselves throughout life. And the honeymoon phase is still in process. I am such a novice in the musical realm with an insatiable desire to soak up everything I can learn about it. I have no idea where music will take me, but I am willing to get in and go for a ride.


MYTHOLOGY is a journey in itself…here is a tour inside this offering:

Creature - An intoxicating ballad with hints of Tibetan prayer flags, Creature is a tribute to the fantastical notion that two people can become one while maintaining their individuality. This song is the distillation of what it feels like to fight for a relationship as it is dissolving…

Scorpio - Scorpio comes to haunt us with ethereal jazzy vibes yet the lyrics are a literal voyage through the underworld. I love the tribute to Biggie Smalls in the intro, speaking to my high school self. Also, it is amazing how in our darkest hours, music and magic can still be made! Scorpio honors that journey.

Anthem - The power is felt strongly with Anthem, a freedom song inspiring the heroic journey of self-liberation. This song knew its name before there were melodies. It literally felt like it was bursting at the seams to be made. And here it is, an honorable call for personal freedom sung as a prayer.

Mythology - Mythology of the same name as the EP, is a 12:13 minute pop opera, eventual score (fingers crossed), of the heroine's journey told from the vantage point of Persephone. The song is arranged in three parts, Fall, Winter, and Spring. This is my journey and every other person’s journey who can see their inner feminine in Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. (I recommend listening to this song in the horizontal plane, with your feet up the wall, walking in nature, traveling at high speeds on a plane or in a car for an extended period of time, or whenever you feel ready to take a momentary adventure).


This EP is a culmination of many hearts, talents, sweat, tears, and laughter. An immense thank you to you Stephen Rivera, your brilliance as a producer truly shines beyond Jupiter and back. To Abby Walker, you’re a true friend and producing partner who roars with a depth of integrity. To Brandon, Monsta - for your heart, soul, and space shared with such deep care. To Griff, such a stand-up and generous talent who I am honored to call my coach and friend. To Alex, swoon me every day on your Sax Alex, please! To Nat, the butter to the lobster!! Thank you for your heart! To Marsha, you’re a woman of wow and strength with a vocal tenacity. To Martine, a multi-dimensional presence of art, heart, and smooth honey of voice, thank you! To Ro, I am so grateful for your impeccability as a professional artist representing the cello’s song with fortitude and magnificence. To Trevor for your friendship, capacity, and generous care in your breadth of talent and stamina. To Trina for your expansive heart and the gifts of your vision, grace, and aesthetic magic. To my Patrons for believing in me and joining this wild adventure through your support! And to my friends and family for showing up in the full spectrum that is life with your love and care. I couldn’t do this without any of you.

Love you and thank you!


Ps if you love MYTHOLOGY, please share this with your friends and loved ones, like it, favorite it, download it, ALL THE THINGS! Everything helps. It is with so much heart that this EP has been brought to life. Now it is up to those who enjoy it to spread the good news. Thank you for your support!

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