What's the Feedback?


Q: What’s the Feedback?

A: Nervous system, relaxed. Excellent nights of sleep, check. A profound sense of belonging to a “place”, yes. Inspired? that too. Biofeedback feels good on all levels. Sense of the unpredictable?...yes. I wonder what will be?


Astrologically, we are heading into the eclipse portal from April 30th to May 15th. Today is a solar eclipse in Taurus, a moment of new beginnings that also signifies endings. Where your focus is drawn shall indicate the theme of these next two weeks for you. There is a richness and a foreboding element that will keep us all on our toes. For me, this eclipse is conjunct my moon which is already on fire with Uranus sitting on top of it. As Uranus is known as “cosmic lightning” it brings a rebellious charge indicating a relentless change. Since I am also in a Uranus opposition, there is inevitable electrical feedback pulsing through every fiber of my emotional body.

I find myself near tears at moments, not entirely clear why my emotions are floating on the surface of my heart and mind in such a way. I feel compelled in a direction but I haven’t the faintest idea of the how. I feel like a newborn babe, with soft, silky skin. It is time to start flexing muscles that may have never been used at all, or at best, in a very long time.

And there is some fear too. The fear of this moment is ancient and encumbered by shame. This is the obstacle and my current task to heal. The shame is sinewy, weak, and vile. Yet it has woven a gruesome tapestry within my unconscious realm, taking up way too much real estate for me to sustain. My prayer is to release this with the cosmic help of this hefty and daunting eclipse cycle.


As we enter into this new Taurean moon, the reverberations will ripple for months ahead. There are blessings in every direction with Jupiter and Venus aligned just one hour after the eclipse. Love and abundance take center stage. And yet, with Uranus in the mix, we just don’t know how the choreography will play out. Pluto will be stationed retrograde from April 29th until October 8th, this means that the journey into the deep inner wounds begins again. If you take an empowered approach, you will find great possibilities in the dark caverns of the soul. Let’s just leave it there.

I wonder how you feel these days? Send me a note if you’d like. Optimistic or trepidation? A little bit of both perhaps? Me too. I wish us well on this dance through eclipse season and may we gather the strength we need to surrender all along the way.

Ps I made you a present. Enjoy✨

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