What Is Love?
Original Painting By Suzi Prentiss, my Mother…
All Love and More Love
Q: What Is Love?
A: Mama,
Thank you for who you are. For your grace and tenacity, your smile and your light. Your insatiable study of life and the power within it. For your courage to give birth to your daughters, offering yourself to give us possibility…the possibility to become our true selves.
You’ve seen everything and your psychic knowing has always revealed deeper truths shared in the contemplative conversations we’ve explored in these years. I thank you for seeing me, for witnessing the highs and the lows, and for getting in the trenches too. It has not been boring😊.
You are a healer, but not just because of your decades as an ER nurse or even as an Ayurvedic practitioner and reflexologist. It is your nature to nurture, it is your quest to seek the antidote to whatever poison arises. Through your love you heal, and your words of wisdom carry the great strength of your medicine of the heart. Thank you for this.
It is such an honor to know that you believe in me through and through. You may not know how much of an impact this has had on my ability to courageously leap into the unknown. Please consider this 💗. I love that you are intuitive, magical, and practical all simultaneously. Our friendship is something I cherish so deeply and weep for a future when one of us may long for the other to return but cannot. This life is not for the faint of heart…yet you have trained me well.
Our healing throughout this life, and continuously, weaves a thread of connection in the name of progress. This is such a gift. To know we are both working on ourselves to become closer to the truth, to shed the false, and ignite the inner flame ever brighter. I admire your journey, Mama. Thank you for the example you live so generously.
Today is Mother’s Day. The truth is I celebrate you every day in my heart. And yet, I’ve been wanting to express these things outwardly for some time. You recently entered a new decade of life and I cannot wait to see what creative mysteries will unfold for you and your enthusiastic spirit. I am in awe of who. you. are.
When I give my full attention to the joy of you, the effort you give, the natural endurance and stamina of your being, the power of your love, and your unworldly strength…I cannot speak, I can only witness in gratitude. To have come through you and of you is a miracle for me. Thank you. I love you. May we continue to share the immense gift of this life together with our gaze upon the Most High.
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