Who Am I? And, Haven’t I Asked This Question Before?


Q: Who Am I? And, Haven’t I Asked This Question Before?

A: This question never goes out of style, especially during those longer plateaus of time and space where you actually think you know the answer. When was the last time you thought you knew? Who were you then? And where are they now? Does the you of 5 years ago still exist?

The stark nude moments of deep uncertainty within the inquiries of “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” are collectively simmering under humanity’s skin. Humans en masse are facing realizations of (surprise!) there being no safety net after all. It has become clear that reality is officially a doozy (even for the white picket fence believers); while sincere people are trying to reconcile with and receive the love in the air despite the hatred that’s there too. Hasn’t it always been this way?

With the cosmic radiance turning up high on this New Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter, it may feel like a disco queen is coming to town to dance your dreams into the night sky. And yet with Mercury conjunct Saturn while Pluto is conjunct Venus & Mars, we might as well surrender to the tenderizing intensity of now.


Truth comes in all flavors and frequencies of severity. How ready are you and to what extent are you willing to see truth? Not about your partner or your neighbor, but about yourself? This astrology alludes to a key awaiting to unlock something powerful inside of you. Something you’ve been leaning into perhaps. What is it? Whatever the clues you have been intuiting over the last months, now is the time for the reveal. Jupiter brings grace and expansion, amplifying this tender Piscean moment with some flair and extravagance.

And let’s be real, for many of us, it has still felt like 2021. We’ve been retroactive until recently and the gears are just now starting to turn. With the forward motion, a momentum is building, and with the momentum, there is a trembling at the core. The core of Who. You. Are.


Ready or not, here you are. Saturn brings discipline and structure to the Mercury within you. Mercury (mind) loves to move, think, create, and soar, yet Saturn is causing a somber mood through which to filter this heavy moment of understanding. We are at war. A war in the outer world reflects a deeper battle on the inner planes. Can you feel this?

Pluto, now on Tik Tok, doesn’t care about being popular. Pluto dominates the underworld and drags you home (kicking and screaming) into the depths of the shadow to reconcile the irreconcilable. In conjunction with Mars and Venus, Pluto binds us to see what we haven’t seen before and forces an education about ourselves and our relationships. The rugged combination of this with Mercury/Saturn as well as a restless Uranian sextile to this new moon translates into an excitable truth serum coming at you live, from deep space 9.


Open your heart to the playfulness and joy possible amidst this daring cosmic combination! These astrological skies make me want to dance, sing out, and dream myself into a new way of being altogether. Who says that isn’t possible? I believe it is. Not for magic alone, although I do believe in magic✨, but because of the hard work and effort over the years of deconstructing the old in order to even be able to perceive something new. That something new is possibility.

May you unfold into a new breath, a new chapter, a new cycle of life with peace in your mind and heart as you ask the question…Who am I?

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.