Who Is in Control?


Q: Who Is in Control?

A: I am a dreamer, I always have been. My dreams are a natural conduit for conversation with the more informed aspects of myself, those that are not distracted by the everyday and mundane tasks at hand. Lately, my dreams have felt more like visions rather than personal insights. Visions of a probable future and you may want to sit down for this…

Or perhaps what I will share is something you too foresee, or maybe, just maybe we are nearly there already and I am just late to the party. Whatever the case, this awareness came for me with a throttling jolt, so I am listening.

The seed for this vision actually occurred in a dream that I had over a decade ago and wrote about here in 2019. However, the other night I returned to the future. I was home and decided to go to the store. I put on my Avatar and rolled into the metaverse for my practical necessities, errands, and to go to the store. I quickly realized in the lucidity of this dream that my life now involved jumping into my Avatar on the regular. No longer just for VR jaunts, games, or even to represent myself in social media.

My Avatar was an extension of me or vice versa, depending on the lens through which I was conscious. From inside the dream, I looked back into the past. I saw myself now, in this current time, and the fairly “innocent” use of my social media platforms. I use my socials to connect with others, stay in touch culturally, sometimes read headlines, and have some laughs. However, through my dreamscape, I began to see deeper. With pristine hyper vision, I could pierce into seeing the threads of unconscious input that were nearly strangling me without my knowledge.


If you’ve seen the Social Dilemma then you understand what I am getting at. It was one thing to see the movie and feel that I was already so inside of the literal web of it that I defeatedly shrugged it off. It is another to viscerally experience the impact. In my dream, I could see how these involuntary veins of information were infiltrating my unconscious psyche. What is worse is that these very real seeds of information were planted there to control me, my behaviors, attitudes, choices, purchases, beliefs, actions, etc. The impact of this began to have detrimental effects upon my consciousness, seizing aspects of my life right from within my own sphere of mind.

As I ventured into the metaverse to explore a bit more, I came to further understanding about the probable failure and the eventual end of our society as we currently know it. For example, right now in current time and space, it is highly likely that we are spending the majority of our days in our personal fantasy about the reality of the world.

Take the billions of people on Earth and multiply that by their personal fantasies and you can see the power of individuality within reality. Do you imagine that we are each quite literally living in our own world? I do. Each one full of personal perspective, opinions, thoughts, beliefs, people, music, art, taste, aesthetics, desires, etc.


In the metaversal “reality” ruled by the Social Mafia, you enter into a collective fantasy where there are no limits to what can be created. You are subjected to each of those billion fantasies at the touch of a fingertip…simultaneously. It is the virtual internet, where you not only read and observe it, you live it, and you feel it. This takes the potential for indigestion (of people, places, things, information, stimulus) into overdrive, leading us into a numbed state where everything, absolutely everything is justified. For example, if you think the collective shadow is strong now, wait until Web3 is a way of life.

The saturation density of content coming into you will be dictated by the various levels of exclusivity and access that you have as well as your deemed value as a market puppet. On one hand, this is because classism, racism, cliques, money, power, politics, sex, drugs, etc still exist in the metaverse, and at a maximized capacity that is beyond the concept of current mind. On the other hand, you will have much less control over input than you so-called have now.


The moral of this story? Well, for me it is time to uplevel my personal social media hygiene. I am becoming absolutely clear and discerning about what I am taking in consciously, as much as I possibly can. The plan is to avoid the circumstances which open me up unwillingly to unconscious seeping of innerspace garbage.

As such, I am planning to disable my current Instagram account that has millions too many information highways running through my personal data. As an experiment, I will start a fresh one to continue to share my expression with you and the upcoming release of my first EP this spring. Until then, if you would like to stay in touch, please find me first through subscribing to my newsletter at Cielawynter.com, secondly, let’s hang out on Patreon.

Honestly, I am an ostrich with Facebook at this moment which is not a solution but I just don’t look at it and I pretend it doesn’t exist. But that is going away at some point too as soon as I can and to retrieve as much as I can of my own data. Do you know how hard it is to rid yourself of the tendrils of Facebook (Meta)? Just try…

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.