Why Transformative Pop?


Q: Why Transformative Pop?

A: For those of you who know me, you’ve probably seen that I pour myself into my creativity with fervor. Creative license is a way of being, a lifeline from the depths of internal churn which I have come to know as homeostasis. Maybe I am not typical, at least I aspire to find myself outside of the box. Change is something I lean into rather than avoid. And as I continue to form my devotion and alliance to this transformative and beastly state, I can’t help but advocate for the “everything is possible” that exists within the radical realm of metamorphosis.

The more authentic my commitment to living an aligned life, the deeper I plunge into the inner work within my psyche. It is a phenomenal life, full of surprises, twists and turns, daunting cliff-hangers, and undeniable awareness of the past. To come to know myself today, I have to know myself then, the “me” of my past, where I have walked, what I have seen and learned over time. From this vantage point, the past is so full. It's a vast trove of aspects of self to understand if I can stomach the view...

Yet… There are treasures! Immense and powerful keys and insights that lead to actual liberation of self. True codes to awakening from slumber that when found, only nourish my insatiable inclination to keep going. I mean, could I just stop here knowing I am just beginning, again? There is no end as a student of life or lives...


A current glimpse of my inner world comes with a soundtrack. In the remembering of myself, I am remembering the gift of song and the power of transformation that is possible from within.

“Music is ... A higher revelation than all Wisdom & Philosophy”

~ Ludwig van Beethoven

Well said, Beethoven. Could it be? It feels true to me as I return to this profound ocean of sound, miracles, and expression of the human condition and beyond. That which is beyond mind, beyond thought, beyond what I’ve ever known. Music allows me to travel to the unknown and the unfamiliar on an invisible spaceship of which I feel safe and held. Music invites me to touch into the great vastness of my soul, illuminating that which has been sorely forgotten. And not only can I now see the parts of me that have been left behind, I can now resuscitate them through the breath of the music that is becoming a part of me as I participate in the listening.


A pathway of knowing. Perhaps the most undervalued superpower there is. That which is not limited to perceivable sound waves, that which simultaneously exists in the most subtle and the most profound. To listen is to be. And so music is an invitation of being.

While I navigate very ancient neighborhoods of my mind, slogging through the mud and darkness while cultivating new levels of super-effort courage to face it, I am finding glimmers of said spoken treasure. Gold. Pure Gold. My personal gold comes in the form of music. It is my primary medicine, that which lifts me to the heights of my being, and reminds me of who I am. This is transformation.

A gift of this very difficult period of my life is in the return to this part of myself. It has been wedged between the walls of my subconscious, hidden from plain view. This element of my essence has sent me trembles from the internal depths to dislodge this remembrance one day. And here I am, the day has arrived. I remember that I am music.

What does this mean? I am still walking the understanding. One way of deciphering this is to imagine how much of our human organism responds to and emits frequencies. We are literal instruments, albeit mostly out of tune until we come into a form of being that does align with our true nature.


I am a dreamer, yes, that is true. I am also one to bring these dreams into the material plane. The dream arising from within me is musical. And it has arrived as Transformative Pop. This new genre that I am becoming is accessible in the way that pop music reaches a vast audience, touching into the hearts and minds of a broad spectrum through a common allure.

Through specific sequence, techniques, and alliteration, sound is created and expressed through the instruments of voice, beats, strings, synth, etc. What is possible is everything. And the intention is to transform. What distinguishes this genre from other pop subgenres is the power of metamorphic proportions that can occur when the words themselves are cultivating worlds of provocative inquiry and inspiration for change.


Transformative Pop is a lived experience by the artist. The artist embodies transformation as their life’s work which is then expressed through music as a vehicle for their continued change and thus for others. This new genre defines a way of being and a renewed take on “living through example”. When I become the music I create, I am aligned with the north star of my heart. May I always follow this light

It is my living prayer to become my music and for my music to inspire you to become yours. Perhaps your music comes in the form of entrepreneurship, motherhood, activism, or another creative expression that is unique to you. Can you imagine a world where we are all living in accordance with the music that is true to our personal instrument?

If you would like to support me on this journey of what is possible through music at this time, please connect with me here. And if you would like to contribute your thoughts and passions around music, I would love to hear from you.

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.