What Is the Destination Station?


Q: What Is the Destination Station?

A: Hello world. How art these days for thee? While riding high on the dragons of the mind, how doest one relate? I continueth to traverse the unexplored terrain of mine soul, as usual. And 't doest not feeleth boring. However, I findeth myself aching to ooze these words through the sieve of Shakespeare's English only for dramatic flair. Is't working?

Actually, no need for more drama. When piercing the veils of self-deception, nothing less than an edge-of-your-seat kind of anticipation reigns the moment. Drums please…speaking of the moment, this is one I have personally been waiting for and it is now here! Pluto is exactly, precisely, inarguably on my Sun. Although this most likely means nothing to you, I can rest assured that I am now officially in the blender of life and will be emulsified into an unrecognizable consistency of self.


My dreams this week have been ones for the books. How about the one where a very handsome fellow looks at me and informs me that I am literal bird s*%t? As in he reminded me that I had been devoured by an eagle and now everything I didn’t need had been digested away and there I was, formless and disembodied, yet with an experience that few can give testimony.

Compost. Bird Poop. Earth. Fertile Soil. Stripped. Down. Bare. Hi (waves), this is the moment I have been waiting for!

While I work diligently to remain objective as everything I have worked so hard for falls away, I have somehow maintained a sense of humor. Actually, it is the humor that has given me a lift while navigating the cold and bleak swamps of this dark night of the soul. There is little to eat (familiar nourishment); I feel as though I am in a foreign land without any security of a known future. Enemies (internal) lurk in the shadows and sometimes (all the time) the only way through is through.


Because this time of my life is unique and will never be again, I attempt to savor this flesh-eating dis-ease as the gift it is. Think about it. Would you be up for the utter transformation of identity if it meant costing you your false personality in favor of a more natural state of being? If you knew you would be ever more liberated on the other side of the nastiest journey you’ve ever taken to date, would you still go? What if there were no guarantees? Victory depends upon you. Only your faith growing with every heroic step forward? Heroic, as in you are called to courage every. moment. of. your. day.

Where is all of this headed? I don’t know. And honestly, that is where I am spending a lot of my time right now. I pulse between “I don’t know” and “Oh give that up too? (flinches, shrugs it off, perseveres)…Ok”. Obviously, there is no destination in sight, which does offer me this one powerful emboldened clue. The treasure is right here, right now.

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