Can You Tell Me the Truth?

My Truth Right Now

Q: Can You Tell Me the Truth?

A: I can tell you my truth. Clearly, there is a spectrum of truth from subjective to objective as well as a sphere of truth from the relative to the eternal…

I am in awe of the malleability of what it means to be human. I feel as if a landscape in motion. One of volcanoes containing molten lava that erupt into a body of new earth on the hour. I feel stormy seas and torrential rains of tears and emotions swish me from skin to puddles in a moment's notice. I remember my breath and the song that runs as vital oxygen through my blood as I sing into an unfamiliar existence.

I don’t know who I am. However, I can see who I have been more clearly than ever. I am in the deepest review of self I have ever experienced, facing new layers of egos, desires, and truths - folding and unfolding before my inner eyes.

Prayer Is My Lifeline

More than anything else, prayer helps me to gather myself and return to the true center of gravity over illusion. I continue to surf disappointments and am having to let go even more. How is this possible? What more can I give? When I begin to realize the answer to that question, I no longer need to ask it. Everything is what I hear…

Am I available to give every part of myself with a willingness rather than reluctance? And a new question…Can I be joyful in the midst of the greatest threshold crossing of my life? Without reservation, am I possible enough to emerge whole and new from a place of tender and radical acceptance of the truth (whatever that truth is?)

And So It Is…

There is so much brewing in this moment, the tension is palpable. As a global unit and as individuals, we are at war with ourselves. What happens if we future forward into another moment in time when we’ve outgrown such belligerent activities? Is there a reality where self-responsibility is both the prominent attitude and action? I long for this in my bones, motivating me to continue toward more and more of my own realm of responsibility from within.

The New

As I walk through the current threshold that has called me for over a decade, I recognize that everything is going to be different. There is no return to what has been. It is time to say goodbye and honor the past as I gear up for what is coming. I’m enthusiastic, exhausted, and inspired.

The path leading me to this apex of life has been woven with both truths and falsehoods. There is a turning, a change to savoring more truth than false that I can observe with a deep sincerity. Now that I can look to my past and acknowledge my unconscious attractions to that which is false, I can begin to see a new life emerging based upon truths. These truths are raw, uncomfortable, and severe at times. Gaining my strength as I go, I align and adapt with every courageous step into a new way of being, into a new truth revealing.

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