Why Hope?

Hope and Inner Work

Q: Why Hope?

A: The Star of Hope, the 17th card of the tarot has always blessed my personal journey, winking at me from time to time. It brings with it a message of reprieve, the turning of the tides from the desperate walk through the dark night. There, amidst the blackness of midnight, is a brilliant star shining its cosmic radiance and touching my naked human eye. The sparkle immediately reminds me that everything is possible, and that regardless of the challenges of the moment, there is a beyond that beckons with power.

The power of hope is also a teacher of patience. There is an energy that calls me to wait, to release expectations, and to trust further than what is comfortable. There is no evidence or perfect plan that shines forth from hope, there is something deeper. Sometimes I want to swim past hope, as if it just isn’t enough. I can even feel restless or impatient with it, asking those who remain there…why?

Courageous Hope

Yet, when nearly everything else is lost, hope remains. There is always hope if I am courageous enough to let myself feel it. The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. How I see and experience the current state of affairs provides me with infinite resource of inner knowledge and material for my inner work.

May we all be blessed with deeper understanding of who we are and why we are here. May we all find liberation through the reclamation of our presence in time. May we all act from our purest heart, listening to its guidance and the clarity it provides. May all beings seek refuge in the safe place within when safety feels out of reach. Be well my friends and don’t lose hope!

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