Goodnight Moon?

Hi Friends,

Who else has been lying on their floor this week? There has been such an intense buildup towards this Sagittarius Full Moon, one of deep guttural change throughout many layers of the psyche. How are you navigating this? The astrology this week has been the best of what 2024 has to offer, and still, I am literally “floored.”

With so much bright light emanating from Jupiter, Sun, and Venus all dancing amongst each other, I was surprised by the depth I had sunk below the earth's surface. I can thank Saturn for this as I am currently in a Saturn Transit through my 12th house, now sitting on my Ascendant. When planets traverse our Ascendant or Rising Sign, it signifies both a death and a rebirth. And when planets go retrograde, as Saturn will on June 29th, these moments of climactic pressure can last a lot longer than you might wish them to.

I am excited to share that I am initiating an experiment by sharing the Full Moon Journal on Substack on this potent moon! I will continue to write my weekly blog on, and with every Full Moon, you will be able to enjoy the culmination of the moon cycle on Substack. Please enjoy my first post today, where I honor the late Margaret Wise Brown in this week’s question, “Goodnight Moon?”. Let’s see what happens; a friend has been trying to get me to explore publishing there for some time to share my writing with those outside of my community. I’m curious, especially in this Gemini Season, and I would love to learn more from you if you have thoughts or experience with this as well.

Also, I am slowly rolling out a mentorship program for those who want to deepen your understanding of how astrology can help shift your psychology. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Jupiter/Venus Blessings to you!


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