Up at 2 am?


Q: Up at 2 am?

A: Me too. This moon is so bold and bright that I’ve been sleepless for days. It isn’t just light either, it is the fire of transformation. There is no other way to spin this astrology but to recognize the intensity for what it is. Fire is both life-affirming and death-inducing. The paradox of this element and the aspects of this full moon are blazing within the individual psyche at a supercharged pace. Can you feel it?

The inquiry for the moment is around freedom. Where do you crave expansion in your life and where are you feeling restricted? It may not be so obvious, or perhaps it is, either way, I encourage you to go into the subterranean levels of being for the answers. Although life shows up in the external planes as a direct reflection of what is occurring internally, everything begins in the unknown and bubbles up from our unconscious. Exploring this aspect of self has never been easier in some ways as these raucous times are motivating for inner work.


Saturn is conjunct this full moon which brings a serious tone to the moment. There can be a heavy weighted feeling yet I urge you to nestle into it like a weighted blanket. Let your bones drop to the ground and absorb the gravitational pull where you can get it and ground out and in. Uranus is an opposing force of instability, unpredictability, and rebelliousness that is aching to act out. These two planetary bodies have been in a chaotic interpretative dance throughout the last two years and are relentless in the lessons they bring. I keep coming to the expansive and contractive qualities that bring life to this planet through labor. Where there is birth, there is death, and vice versa. The two together equal transformation.

Truly, there is a momentum that is picking up speed to carry us into the rest of this year. Retrogrades or not, there is a compelling force that will impact our actions, our moods, and our inner flame thanks to Mars who is soon to enter Gemini for 6 months. Gemini is an air sign and rules the realms of communication and the texture of our mind. Where is Gemini in your chart? You can count on a flurry of movement in this part of your life.

All of this to say, enjoy your life, hug your loved ones, and observe serenely. I dare not say that life is short, make the most of it. Instead, I leave you with this.

“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested. But when it is wasted in heedless luxury and spent on no good activity, we are forced at last by death’s final constraint to realize that it has passed away before we knew it was passing. So it is: we are not given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it… Life is long if you know how to use it.” - Seneca

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