How Do You Experience the Thinning of the Veils?
Q: How Do You Experience the Thinning of the Veils?
A: As we venture through the window of what has traditionally been referred to as Samhain, a Gaelic seasonal time of celebrating the transition from harvest to winter, we are invited to travel through the liminal portals beyond space and time. It is said that the veils between the world of the material and the realm of spirit are thin, allowing one to have ample access from both sides of this bridge. A time where devas and fairies of the plant kingdom would reveal themselves, a time when mere mortals could experience a taste of the supernatural, thus altering their sense of “reality” for good.
I suppose another question I would ask myself is must I wait all year to experience this magical possibility? With an insatiable thirst for venturing into the unknown, I experience this time of year as an honoring of our co-existing, and diverse, cosmic and spiritual communities from within the inner-universal plane. These relationships and mysteries are readily available if we choose to open to that which causes our limited scope of mind to stretch. And to stretch my mind I have to navigate through my heart of hearts if my intention is to make true progress towards my individual truth.
There are guides, helpers, familiars and angels who, when prayed to or beckoned, are literally as close as the blood in our veins. The magic of this incredibly mystical human experience is here and now. I beg us not to wait to consider the multi-dimensions of existence and rather integrate this inquiry into our daily life. For today, and every day, is an opportunity to honor that which is greater from a place of curiosity and humility.
Collage Featuring: Lily Martinez