Why Slow Down?


Q: Why Slow Down?

A: Setting the intention to slow down is one thing. And then asking myself why that is important is another. The projects, the creativity, the drawing near of launching dreams…all of these have a rhythm, a pulse that feels much stronger and faster than Portuguese Fado. Truly, the ache to turn it down a notch and approach the journey with as much conscious awareness I can muster is always an invitation I accept. The whirring of possibility arises, the temptations to share more art, more light is ever present. The excitement is real and yet, so are the necessary hours of Theta and REM sleep as well as the morning meditations and pages of journaling that caress my soul with a buttery tone.

The question…Why? Why Slow Down? When I ask myself this, it isn’t to ground my Vata energy into the Earth. That is the obvious response. The actual, deeper, mysterious call from my inner world speaks directly to and from my ancient heart. To love more Ciela. To give more of the love you have for every human being back to them. To embrace the precious gift of presence and to acknowledge that every single moment is an opportunity to love even more. To share that which is within you in your eyes, your smile, your embrace through words and dance. Life is amazing…it is blessed, it is full on. This isn’t the first, it won’t be the last, yet every second matters as if it were. 

Q: Why Waste a Single Moment?

A: Nope. Not on my watch. Not while I am aware the moment exists. Forgive me Lord for forgetting the miracle that pulses within every facet of every breath. Forgive me for falling asleep countless hours throughout the day to the blessings you provide. For it is you who has given me life and through you I have the choice to remember who I am. Thank God. Literally and viscerally. And now, regardless of the task at hand, I am inspired to slow down and love even more.


Present, Wellness, PastCiela Wynter