What Poetry Beckons in This Astrological New Year?
Q: What Poetry Beckons in This Astrological New Year?
A: A first spark of light
Materializes into form,
Fire emblazing from cove of Aries
A truly dynamic storm…
Pioneer of the zodiac
The rebel warrior of youth,
Stakes its claim and says…I AM here
And darling, so are you
It is spring, this we know
The sun warms and snow melts,
Flowers expose their beauty
A new radiance is felt
Sloughing off the old
Rolling out from den of winter,
The days become longer
Exchanging a renewed sense of vigor
The light…
Illuminating the past to decode
The past…
Inspiring an Ode to South Node
Oh, How you show me just who I’ve been
The tendencies that rule my thoughts,
What I’ve learned
And where I’ve sinned
Unconscious drives
Behaviors that propel,
Not all is lost
I’ve got these stories to tell
A heavyweight embrace
Has you nestled deep within,
Cosmic cousins Pluto and Saturn…
Your current nearest Kin
Ouch, this may sting
Without a current escape from you
Why would I even try?
Your mirror reveals just who is who
Your offering to spring,
Squaring this new moon
Evoking deep power
Tender insight, coming soon
While we trust your intentions
…a call for rebirth,
It’s time to pull up those boots straps
And ground down into earth
Lords Pluto and Saturn
With prolific odes yet to come,
Your presence is known here
Thunderous heartbeats…forceful drums
Alas, this empowered moon-print
Will last us all year,
Inhale deep breaths, set strong intentions,
And walk these coals of fire in love
…without fear