What Difference Does it Make?


Q: What Difference Does it Make?

A: A significant difference. First of all, you matter and that includes who you are being. Who you are being begins with the thoughts you are thinking and the emotions you are feeling. Both of these give birth to your words and actions, shaping an attitude towards yourself, your fellow humans, the earth herself and beyond.

It can be too easy to become aloof, complacent, or even paralyzed in the face of what isn’t working these days. From our political system to recycling efforts, institutions and even innovations upon which we have relied on for structure and possibility no longer provide either.

What does it all mean?

Are we going to simply concede to collectively falling into some existential abyss as the old saying alludes to…we’re all going to hell in a handbasket…or are we going to pull up our bootstraps and realize no one is going to do this work for us? We must do our part and in doing so, we can show up for each other as we never have before. How? By showing up for ourselves first.

I don’t mean drift into self-care and never come back. I mean, get your sleep, feed your body well, meditate and connect to that which is greater inside your very heart. Listen deeply to your intuition, ask for help, make powerful decisions, and work to change your mind. Every day make a difference through who you are being. Observe your thoughts. Are they useful? If not, can you observe without taking them on? Can you see them as a traveler who may or may not be welcome? If their intention is to lead you astray, ask for help rather than dismissing them. Ask your heart, God, spirit, or nature to show you the truth within these thoughts. All negative and harmful thoughts are cloaking a deep-seated possibility. Seek the jewel from within the mud and go deeper.

During this full moon in Scorpio, may we accept the invitation to delve deeper into our unconscious mind, clear out the cobwebs of our past and work through the consequences in real-time, while following the light of the Taurus sun to ground us into our love for Mother Earth.

What difference can you make? We all know we have to start in our own backyard, I beg us to recognize that the health of our planet begins in our minds and from there, we can co-create a new world together.