What is the Mirror of Compassion?

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Q: What is the Mirror of Compassion?

A: The new moon in Gemini has brought forth gifts of new thought, curious inner dialogue and countless ways to see ourselves in the mirror of others. 

How many of us are feeling deep aches running through the center of our bones? A longing for a new future perhaps? An insatiable desire to connect with that which is greater? How about grieving a loss of sorts? Of a loved one or a time past?

I see myself in you. Is there a more powerful mirror than that of another living being? We’ve discussed projection before, now let’s look into the mirror. There is the reflective silver glass that clearly reveals an image of ourselves back to us, and then there is the human being. Look at the person in front of us, being themselves, full of dreams and feelings, revealing their idiosyncrasies and if carefully observed, we see that which they cannot. This does not mean that we have more knowledge or wisdom necessarily as we are also blind to what we cannot see. It is in the mirror of ‘other’ that we can begin to assess blind spots within ourselves, and if we pay attention, we may sooth the certain incoming shame or doubt with a healthy dose of compassion.

Have you ever noticed that it is through the most difficult and adverse circumstances in our lives that we reap the highest of intangible rewards? Lately I’ve been privy to some deeper than deep inner exploration that has left me feeling as if I am wading through the charnel grounds of my own soul. Despair and epic loneliness weave through me as I traverse a very purposeful time of internal isolation. Through experiencing new levels of ancient pains and memories of past, I have immediately felt so fulfilled with an innate corresponding level of compassion for my fellow humans. 

Through our own experience of suffering we can either choose to let it take us into its vice grip, or transmute it as a point of connection to the humanity of which we swim amongst.  

Mirror, mirror, oh Gemini Moon, 

Show us your glory in the message of Runes. 

You are the messenger, the Mercury, our twin… 

And graced by your reflection, 

A gift of compassion for our kin.