What Are You Releasing?


Amplified Astrology

Q: What Are You Releasing?

A: You may have heard of the total lunar eclipse portal that we have entered into as of this morning. This is not an ordinary moon cycle indeed. Nope, this one will rock you, us, and the world in some way if we dare to notice. This is not for the faint of heart, as this will grab us from the inside and force our inner vision into seeing what we may not want to see. Are you ready for this?

Perhaps another title to this journal could be What Crisis Are You Attending To? So, I am curious...what flavor is your personal ecliptical lesson revealing? I imagine it is deep if you allow yourself to dive, it may be entrenched in emotions you’ve not felt for some time. There will be expansions, and profound, unceasing contractions that could make your physical body ache as you are worked through this threshold of releasing the old and creating space for the new.

Why so challenging? Would we expect anything different at this point of our collective journey through this decade? It is still only 2021 and the astrological sowing of the Plutonian/Saturnian seeds that ignited us into 2020 will continue to befall upon our inner psychic and worldly shores. Our world is changing and we don’t yet know the how. What we do know is that there is a lot of discomfort in the midst of change.


A profound understanding of our relationship to the past and how we live it every day in the present is currently highly accessible. For example, I can see how, through exercising insightful vigilance, I am recreating past traumas in real-time.

This super full moon in Sagittarius is conjunct the South Node which calls for the end to outmoded philosophies and dangerous conspiracies. Gemini leads us towards our immediate destiny, one that will reverberate for the next 2-3 years and invites us into more playful and flexible curiosity rather than our dogmatic belief systems.


The past is brought forth to meet the consequences to be paid. Can you see how your actions, words, thoughts, emotions, gestures, attitudes, etc. are each a reflective culmination of a weighted past? And that when we truly change our mind, all of these aspects unfold into new expressions of being that mirror our rejuvenated process of transformation. Real change is both death and rebirth. Both are messy, definitive, and doorways of before and after; eclipses are also portals of death and rebirth.

This particular eclipse window is adorned by two retrogrades this week. Saturn has already stationed retrograde in Aquarius which promises heightened unpredictability as well as increased restrictions and resistance meeting our personal momentum. The drudgery will certainly find an outlet for pent-up frustration when Saturn is met squarely by Uranus on June 14th. Again, the past meets the future, only this time we are caught in between these two opposing forces and will be asked to release even more to be able to take a step forward.


Lastly, Mercury stations retrograde at the end of the week while, conjunct Venus, both will be squaring Neptune. In other words, our minds will be reversing for the next few weeks from “go mode” to review and R&R with enhanced sensitivity all around. However, with this Neptunian square in action, our communication, relationships, finance, health, and wellbeing will be subject to deep ravines of confused states, deceptions, and disappointment.

To boot, Jupiter offers a powerful square in action to this total lunar eclipse which amplifies all of the above and begs my favorite question, “to be or not to be”... Either choice has a particular destined future waiting to be lived. “Not to be” carries with it woes, disgrace, and many repeated cycles of the same, over and over. “To be” invites one to become and in order to accept this mission, the first step is to dissolve into the nothingness of ever before and leave behind that which will happen never again.

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.