What Is a Clarity Session?
Q: What Is a Clarity Session?
A: On this New Moon in Aries, a day of initiation, growth, and blessings upon our courageous acts - I feel inspired to share with you a glimpse into an offering from cielawynter.com called Clarity Sessions. The following is an example of how one of these sessions would begin and a transcription of what is possible…
Disclaimer: Every single Clarity Session is unique to the moment and to who you are being when receiving the session. These are created to support your personal journey and your intended outcome will guide us into and out of the process flow. (Italics = receiving the session)
What is your intention for our work today?
My intention for this session is clarity on my next steps as an Entrepreneur. I am open to a combination of Astrology, Breathwork, and Executive Theory for this session or whatever wants to come through.
I recommend that we begin with a few deep breaths and let me know when you are ready to begin.
Why did you book this session?
Who doesn’t need clarity? There is so much change occurring for me in every genre of life, that to have this moment to gain perspective, dive into some deep reflective listening, and to be inspired towards my own innate knowing is something I could really benefit from.
This is an exploration of the psyche and a more intimate process flow catered to your current moment with specific exercises to support your clarity within different aspects of your life. Ok, let’s go…
Let’s begin by reviewing your personal astrological transits and see if anything could be indicating a desire to focus on your entrepreneurial life. Before I do so, are there any particular themes that are coming up for you?
I am definitely having to face areas of my life as a CEO that I have been intimated by, overlooked due to convenience, or ushered towards others who were more of an “expert” in the field. Take finances for example, before now I always saw myself as more of a “visionary/creative” type and now I am geeking out on spreadsheets.
In this very moment, Pluto or the planetoid of guttural transformation, sometimes referred to as Lord of the Underworld, is exactly conjunct your Venus. What does this mean? Your Venus represents your femininity, your relationships-- as in how you relate with others and what types you are attracted to, as well as your resources (finances, material) and your personal value system. Pluto is asking for a thorough metamorphosis in each of these areas. If you respond with an openness to change, the results will come more readily, and with understanding. You can adapt with an element of grace. However, the more you resist, the stronger the transit, the more difficult and painful this can be. Can you see this reflected in your day-to-day life right now?
100% living this experience. It is so uncomfortable yet also exhilarating. I love change and the reward of clearing out old, rigid, habitual patterns is so freeing. Although I am attached to some of this familiar way of being, I can see that it is in my favor to explore why I have lived this way. I never thought I would find spreadsheets exciting. Now that I can see them as a story unfolding, my inner creative and my inner finance nerd can both be satiated. Plus, I have learned some big lessons, rookie in fact, around paying myself last in my company, which more times than not equated to not getting paid. Will not be making that mistake again.
I love what you said there. You are seeing and living the benefit in real-time. Not only are you seeing the cost of your previous errors, you are also declaring a riveting new path towards your value as a human being. You deserve to get paid for your work. It is a fascinating inquiry to go deeper into why you have felt that you weren’t or why you would carry the burden of a basic poverty mindset hidden behind the curtain of generosity. Can you see that even though it is authentic for you to care deeply about other’s well-being that if you don’t apply the same to yourself, no one wins in the end. Oxygen mask metaphor to the rescue….
And so it continues, the unraveling of your own inner work held and guided by me. It is an honor to share these spaces with you and it is my intention to be a clear mirror for your hidden mind with enthusiasm and a lot of love and compassion. If inspired to give a Clarity Session a go, use the code FRIENDS for a $25 discount on your first session here.
Packages and discounts available by request - email athena@cielawynter.com
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