Why Are You Restless?


Q: Why Are You Restless?

A: How could we not be? We’re in the dog days of a summer that feels like it’s only beginning and yet school and the election are just around the corner, winter is coming, and a looming unknown remains in nearly every area of life. A Leo new moon (feels like a full moon) has arrived and with it, the fierce nobility of the creative fire beckons us to express! Now the question…in what ways will we choose to express ourselves and from where?

The astrology of 2020 has reflected a Ph.D. level invitation for us to face the inherent shadows of our societal imbalances. And yet we could say we are just in our orientation phase to this potentially decade long doctorate and thesis answering the question of “How to Co-Create a New World?” I am in, are you? Let’s do this…because we can! Let’s be students of this moment like never before and exchange our “knowing” for the “unknown” with joy. The only alternative is to suffer while we attempt to hold on to what has been.

Right now the energy is moving. There is an erratic flavor as Uranus continues to transit Taurus providing us with the upheaval of our foundation. Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter remain steadfast and offer a piercing gaze into our inner truth, asking us to surrender our rigid mind and wave a white flag in solidarity for a new vision. This new vision will only come through the rubble of the old. Are we there yet? Not quite. We still have a term or two of the current governing structures before they literally self-implode and to when we may see the sprouts of the forthcoming “New”.

Our dear Mars, the knight of the Zodiac, the warrior of fire, may you guide us through this transformative heat with as much grace and ease as we are worthy. You lead with a powerful naivety that often acts before thinking, and reacts before reflecting. We ask that you pause, breathe, reflect, and redirect your energy as you lead us into these next few months. Currently, you are squaring the heavy trinity of Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in Capricorn as if they needed taunting. We, humans, are ultimately responsible for how we transmute your potency and recognize that your upcoming retrograde will take us deeper into a karmic reflection on our past, present, and future actions.

Thankfully there is a harmonious trine to Mars with the new moon conjunct Mercury and still, the volatility is near not far. Mercury brings communication to the forefront as well as the expression of the self-expressed Leo nature. To complete the relational aspect of today’s chart, the new moon is quincunx the aforementioned trinity in Capricorn revealing there is much more churning under the surface than may be apparent. Unresolved issues around power will continue to surface, perhaps in the conversations of this moon cycle.

Be aware. Be compassionate. Be the change.

“...and the vessel was not full, his intellect was not satisfied, his soul was not at peace, his heart was not still.”

~Hermann Hesse

Original Photo - Shaaz Jung