Why Proactive Mental Health?


Q: Why Proactive Mental Health?

A: Because our mental health is at risk.

We are living through a societal dissolve and there within invites an epic scene of chaos. Perspective is King. How will we navigate these waters? Some will not, others will cling to a “side” for dear life (or to viciously fight for or against as a way to justify violence), and few will go deep within to resource from that which is greater for understanding, clarity, perspective, courage, and faith. Faith is cultivated from experience beyond belief. What do you currently believe?

Instead of waiting for the numerous issues to arise in the near future that makes today seem like “back in the day”, those of us who want to do inner work for a better tomorrow, can. And I am not speaking to a Utopian future of perfection when I say we can co-create a new world together. I am speaking about a world based on truth---aligned or at a minimum harmonized, in ethics, morals, values, and principles. A world that is honest, and empowered by a common respect for life. And we can live this today, from within ourselves...we don’t have to wait, the future is now.

There is so much noise in the airwaves. Conspiracy dressed as reason, activism turning into dogmatism, and Guru Culture thriving at the expense of individual minds now drowning in confusion. 

As a ‘cult’ survivor, as well as having been deeply steeped in the entanglement of a thirst for power and exclusive rights to a heavenly sphere that would only cost my ability to think for myself, it is ever apparent that we are losing a collective battle to a Guru infused culture that requires a loss of autonomy and power. We are in group think territory and it feels like a labyrinth of mirrors, exposing scary clowns and horrific scenes of ignorance on steroids. Welcome to the hell realms of our mind. 

Ok...so for many of us, life used to be one way, however, it was, and it may have included playing outside, afterschool specials, and brunches on Sunday. Over the course of the past several decades we’ve been in a steep decline of our collective morality spiraling into a divisive and gnarly wound, presently gushing a toxic puss into the social media sphere of “life”. What is happening?

That is a good line of inquiry for each of us to follow within our own inner world. May we be brave enough to go within for the answers to even these excruciating questions? I would ask, what other choice do we have? There is a war on our consciousness and ignorance is prevailing, for now. And it isn’t as if a savior will reign in the immediate future and cast a violet light of healing across the planet and we’ll all be ok. No. We have to save ourselves and this does not mean we become warlike gorillas spouting for “freedom” as a code word for arrogance and an utter disregard for authority. 

Freedom is one of my favorite words. To liberate ourselves is our birthright. Let’s not get confused. We are not liberating ourselves from another political party's agenda. The issue at hand is much graver, much deeper than the distractions of duality. Are you a rebel with a cause? I find myself saying a resolute yes. What this means to me is that I am committed to my inner work, for taking responsibility for my actions, words, emotions, and impact on other human beings. My cause is to be, to become, to forge an impenetrable alliance within my own Being. 

Can we reclaim ourselves as Human Beings? Yes. Will it take an exorbitant amount of work to do so? Beyond. Do I or another person have all the answers for you? No. Do you have the answers within you? Yes. Will we have to ween off the immediate false gratification and safety of Guru Culture? Definitely. Can we re-establish a healthy dynamic of learning and teaching that does not require us to lose our minds? We have to. 

Education is imperative. A resurgence of trust is vital as an antidote to the slippery culture of suspicion and dubious action we find ourselves in. This new moon in Libra will challenge our mindset. Libra, an air sign will be seeking the balance amidst the tension of the moment. We have to go deeper as Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter square Mars retrograde opposite this moon. Translation: Deep sigh. No equanimity will come without immense effort, patience, and due diligence within our inner work. We will be forced to take responsibility for our part.

We need you. We need your clear mind. We need your courage. We need your heart and brilliance. We need your laughter. We need your confidence. We need your true empowerment. We need your ability to think critically and essentially. We need your humility. We need your truth. We need your love. We need your willingness to die to the false. We need your surrender of ego. We need your sanity. We need your mental health. 

Be proactive and reclaim yourself as a civil servant to the future that lives within you today. Vote.

We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.