Why Is Your Jaw Dropped?


Q: Why Is Your Jaw Dropped?

A: Anyone else out there feeling like you are growing and churning from the inside out? And although painful, there is some sweetness knowing that it is for the benefit of your future and all of your relations? Me too. Something around these current moon cycles has left a lasting impression upon my psyche in a way I haven’t experienced in many years if ever, truly.

Today’s full moon in Aquarius continues to fortify the unpredictability of the current cosmic mirror. Both Venus and Mars are in opposition to this fullness providing deep inner tugs onto our moods, temper and relationships. Pluto is in the mix, quincunx to the Sun/Venus and the light reflected by this potent moon, asking us to reconcile what is lurking under our friendships and intimate relationships. This dynamic brings forth the complexities that have been brewing below the surface seeking karmic resolution. Ultimately the challenge is to look within ourselves, assess our own projections onto others, and notice what we notice at a time when the energy is so expansive and outwardly dominate. 

I am in awe…of human beings, our ability to communicate or lack thereof. The sea of emotions that rise and fall upon our face, those that are windswept from within, dangerous, igniting and at times calm.

My heart is aching and blossoming, I feel so deep into my inner world, so full of passion. And as a friend shared with me recently, that passion tells me I am willing to sacrifice something, that I care that much to give up a precious element of my own life in order to bring that passion into existence.

What am I sacrificing now? A way of being. There is much talk about transformation and sometimes the subtle nuances of how I lived yesterday, for example, compared to how I live today and this can get lost in the mundane exposure of life. I look at the dynamics of energy between myself and others, the giving and receiving, and can learn a lot in this observation.

I’ve been known to give too much of myself for the benefit of another. I have experienced others giving too much of themselves to me. I now am a stand for us giving everything we’ve got to God, to that which is greater than us, and then sharing that joy with each other. That feels right to me, without a need to give up ourselves, our health, our sanity or otherwise in detriment to our personal insight, intuition, and wellbeing. May we be held accountable by the heart within our hearts and show up for one another from this solid fertile earth within us.

To observe this tendency to give up ourselves and our power is a mind-blowing, jaw-dropping event to me. I did it for so long that the tendrils of that way of being still creeps around in the darkest realms of my own mind, looking for a weakness, a doubt, a fear that I cannot possibly truly find God on my own. This is complete and utter absurdity, especially when I feel closer to God than to any other human being, that which is beneath my own skin and inside my own heart. What is it then that compels us to seek outside? Why would I give up my own health or center of gravity for another when the end result is dysfunction rather than actual love?

I continue on the quest of exploring this inquiry within myself and to share in this dialogue with others. I would love to hear your experience of this, where you give your power away, why and if you are feeling the call to change your mind around this habitual way of being. It is my greatest vision that we may reclaim ourselves in order to truly come together in new ways of co-creation and support that actually nourishes one another rather than depleting our resources. There are new ways, new invitations, and new possibilities ahead if we accept them. I am a yes, in case you are wondering, so please count me in for the revolution of consciousness where we are all empowered and free.