What Happened Next?


Q: What Happened Next?

A: I sat down to breathe, closed my eyes and went in

Where was the earth and where did it begin?

My body convulsed as I birthed a lion cub

Without time as a threshold, I blinked, it grew up

The Lion devoured me in one shocking fell swoop

I became nothing, re-formed, my belly moving like soup

I heaved and I birthed, a second lion cub son 

Another mouth, so fierce, teeth around me…I was done


I opened my eyes and I floated with grace

A deep topaz blue, a high mountain lake 


There was a moment of calm, so pristine, so surreal

Then pulled into the depths, only cold I could feel 


A sharp crystal pierced through the back of my heart

It came through me, and again, I dissipated apart


The sound of a fury, the whoosh of light speed

Astral traveling through wormholes of a deep space stampede


My mind could not make any sense of it all

Any sense was my mind in the limit of small


Faster than life, than of breath from before

I arrived, an implosion dissolving once more


Colors of gaseous fusion, floating in space

A star was born, serene, and ‘I’? Not a trace…


I came back to this world, to my body, my seat

My jaw dropped in awe from this fantastical feat


Where did I go, other than simply inside?

To the inner world of my life, with my heart as my guide


Is this the current moment, an insightful free-for-all?

Creative wisdom perhaps, it’s Leo season after all


These days I’ve felt stripped, right to the core of my core

And every last glimpse from within reveals what’s in store

Consumed by two, not one, Lions of the Law

The karma burning through on the samsara seesaw

The deep emotional peace found momentarily afloat

Purified and drawn further into the piercing blue note


If one day it’s true and we return to stardust

Then I can wake up again and do what I must


To become who we are and remember along the way

Inspires me to no end, a great cosmic play


And with this I settle back into right here and right now

My hands to my heart and to you, a deep bow