Gravity or Levity?


Q:Gravity or Levity?

A: A new moon in Taurus. Thank God. An opportunity to embrace the pull towards Mother Nature and release the stress and tension of the recent weeks into her soil. Within the act of surrender there is freedom and in that freedom, there is light.

It has often been discussed that if one is only seeking the light, they will miss the very roots of their personal cosmic lesson. As above so below, we need to be grounded in order to reach for the heights. This principle is viscerally clear in the practice of yoga which requires our body to emulate that of a tree, sourcing power, nourishment and strength from that which we touch our feet in order to expand into the ethers beyond our grasp.

Gravity holds us, welcomes us, grounds us into the earth, literally. In the Amazon and other cultures, women work with gravity to give birth, silently and in reverence, they squat close to the dirt and exhale as the forces of nature correspond in eloquent collaboration. Throughout our lives, gravity keeps us focused, and encourages the adventurous to defy it. As we age it sags our breasts and pulls upon our bones, maybe even costing us a few inches that we once wore proudly in the apex of life.

On the other end of the spectrum, levity is that which reminds us to look up. In the heavy moments, we hear a beautiful soprano and our heart soars. Or the first time we are thrown into the air by a relative which makes our mothers hearts skip a beat and we feel weightless, perhaps for the first time since the womb. The surge of love that envelopes us in the midst of a pristine redwood forest, having ascended a mountain peak, or while snuggling into the one who erases the world for stretches of time…levity.

In moments of life such as now, where everywhere we turn there is an increasing gravitational pull into the headlines, the social media whirlpool, realizing the imminent devastation of our oceans health and the chaos of institutional structures on the verge of collapse, a little bit of levity goes a long way. For the empathic ones, we feel it all, the highs and lows, the deep and the deeper, thus may we be reminded throughout the days to open our ears to the birdsongs and press our cheekbones into the breeze. May we remember who we are and the freedom within that knowing despite the evidence. May we all feel our feet on this powerful earth we call home and breathe in the coursing gravity through our soles into our internal microcosmic sphere of life. And from there, may we rest in the heart of our hearts, where the only true law that governs is love. Beyond duality. Beyond concept.