Are You a Civil Servant?


Q: Are You a Civil Servant?

A: If that means that I offer my body, blood, and vigor for the sake of our enhanced overall wellbeing as one of the billions of the extraordinary human species on this glorious gift of a planet of ours? Then yes, hallelujah, amen! To be of service…

 I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.

~ Tagore

Ahhhhh, 2020…didn’t we discuss this? That epic solar eclipse kiss of blessings on Christmas to fill our vessels with light only to then reckon with the lunar eclipse full moon with Saturn conjunct Pluto raring to initiate the dance into our karmic underworld as humanity. Yep, that’s about right. All of this topped off with this last full moon in Virgo, the house of health opposite a Sun conjunct Neptune, amplifying the distortion of illness. Well played in the cosmic realms to a ‘T’ providing us with more than enough to chew on through our quarantine and hashtag social distancing.

Recently rolled out of a Vipassana right into the thick of it, appreciating the global experience of compassion that can be felt far and wide. Something quite beautiful is occurring under the waves of fear and terror that are sweeping the globe as fast as I can type the words ‘mass hysteria’. So ironic, the paradox of the moment, the warrant for real caution, the reality that many will experience this virus, while simultaneously we are not only at war with Coronavirus but our minds, and the minds of others. For a synopsis of the moment from an astrological perspective read THIS. What to believe? What to do? Here are some ideas….

Dance. Turn it up and dance. When you feel overwhelmed, saddened or upset…SWEAT it out.

Pray. Ask for help, inner guidance, healing for all, and protection. You are radiant health.

Meditate. Go inside and find the calm in the storm. Be diligent and work for it, you are worth it.

Nourish. Go to town with yummy-ness, find refuge in the healing tonics and herbs, get creative.

Write. Journal your moment onto the page. Ask yourself the questions you’ve always wanted to ask but didn’t dare. Dare.

Love. Make it. Be it. Give it. Pour your heart over your beloveds, plants, furry beasts, besties, family of all kinds. Reach out and touch their heart through your words and kind gestures.

Change. Your mind is malleable. Experiment with your curiosity around what kind of world you want to live into and imagine, without abandon, see it, smell it, touch it, taste it, become it. Everything is possible.

Become. We are the world. It isn’t just a song, it is a reality. The world out there is the world in here. Do the inner work and the outer world will follow. Go in. Go deep. Work it out. For real.

Reach out. You are not alone. Even in the current ‘reality’, we are in this together. I can speak for myself, my colleagues and sisters at Joan of Sparc and all the people I know and love who are also civil servants in the highest regard. We are here for you. Please don’t suffer during this time, let’s heal instead.


A poetic interlude:

And the World?

The commitment is made

I surrender to the task


Full of action, movement…life

And the world rushes towards me


Thoughts and process chase me down

My body wants to sleep


I go to sit

And the world spins faster


Noble silence befalls me

The roar of the lion shatters invisible walls


I enter with caution and surrender again

And the world turns inside out


There is no other choice

I’ve already decided


Now I live into it

And the world slows down


My breath is my guide

Illuminating the truth


My body is the vessel

Unfolding and dissolving


My heart is still beating

I can hear it pulsing through…


Between the layers

of death and dying


Rebirth is near…

And the world transforms

Vipassana meditation is not an intellectual journey but an experiential awakening.
~ Amit Ray

ps I love you