Are You Ready for This?

Q: Are You Ready for This?
A: A Cancer moon. And not just any Cancerian moon, by the way, this is a new moon ripe with emotions yet expressed. A fruit nearly bursting through its tender flesh awaiting fullness; a luscious drop of nectar slides down the hidden curve, seeking resolve…Welcome to the complex moment of our heart’s desire to be heard, be seen, and belong.
Imagine this second new moon in Cancer as a crystal ball, balancing on a wire between mountain peaks. On one side we have the past, building up to this moment of heightened pause. There is a tear in the fabric of the status quo crevassing upwards through the mountainside, meeting the taught wire of in-between. Upholding this tension on the other side is an Apu (mountain spirit) of our eventual brilliant future.
When the moon transits within the realm of Cancer, she relishes in the resonate waters of her domain. Emotions surge with an invitation to heal the stagnation and trauma from the depths of our emotional bodies. In what murky swamps have we suppressed our truth? Where have we tolerated that which is intolerable?
The orchestral coherence of recent astrology since the solar eclipse new moon in Capricorn on Christmas Day of 2019, is theatrical in nature, to say the least. From the inception of that eclipse, we entered into a work of art, a docu-dramatic psychological thriller that has kept our entire humanity upon its toes. And this is just the preview of coming attractions…
Today, the moon as a crystal ball encapsulates epic mystery. Stories lived and yet to be told. We are living the cusp between realities of what has been and what will be. On one side, Father, Saturn, Capricorn, Politics, External Consequence…on the other, Mother, Moon, Cancer, Home, Inner Journey. Saturn, in opposition to this moon, has retrograded back into its final pass through Capricorn for the next few months, not to return again until 2047. The Patriarch grips tight…There is a motivation to fight for the “good ole’ days” that will continue making nauseating sweeps across the headlines.
We find ourselves in a heightened pause. What does this mean? Hold a metaphoric slingshot in your hand. Pull back the strap of your internal process in retrograde motion, traveling through your relations, finances, thoughts, communication, power dynamics, dream states, etc. We have received many hard-earned revelations in the recent months of retrograde phenomena, punctuated by the last eclipse season and finale of the Cancer/Capricorn cycle until 2027. And now you come to the moment of tension…and pause. You know there is no going back, and the only direction is forward with a catapult of momentum behind you. Are you ready for this? The future awaits you…
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