Is That You?


Q: Is That You?

A: Today I became fully present to the full circular nature of being that occurs in the reflection of others. I was reminded of “myself” and who I had been 18 years ago through a real-time reunion of a dear friend and mentor who I hadn’t seen in nearly two decades. You know the kinds of relationships that withstand any amount of time and still feel as if no time has passed? Our connection is one of those, a rarity of a jewel that requires nothing but the authentic love that it also gives.

I was 25 when we met, grieving the recent loss of my paternal grandmother who had raised me. Also following an intuitive knowing, I was brought to her while engaged in a very deep healing journey of my own rooted existence, embodied.


When I saw her this afternoon through the glass window of her cottage, I immediately felt my heart warmer than before. It was her. She, a woman of powerful medicine and dreams, had mid-wifed me through a profound initiation at such a formative time of my spiritual journey. And now, with so much life and death lived between us, here we were, again.

How potent is the mirror between us as humans? And can the gift of seeing and being seen into the depth of soul be articulated to the extent in which the gift resonates within? I find myself at a loss of words to describe this current feeling.

Clearly, I am at another potent moment on my spiritual journey, punctuated by her presence that can only be described as miraculous. There is a bookend quality to our current meeting that refers back to those days long ago that has perked up my inner ears in a way that I hadn’t anticipated. I am still steeping in this contemplative medicine and only time shall reveal.


We saw each other. We shared stories of adventures, ecstatic joy, and unbearable grief. Our eyes dazzled in the wildness and awe of life, a thunderous and cackling storm that both destructs and recreates as sunlight through the rain from within us.

Memories surfaced of what had been, woven into tales of lives that once were and are no longer. Provocative inquiry nurtured empathic destiny alongside compassionate revelry. Life momentarily became enlivened by the nourishment of this meeting and our two hearts giving and receiving.

Thank you’s, acknowledgments, reminders, and reflections. Trepidations and daring sharing, exalted inspiration, deeply caring. Time ticked on, teachings exuding through pores of witnessing. Actual, earthy, raw, and real support arose in action, accented by words empowered by truth. Until we arrived at the next phase shift into parting ways, we remained held in the being of each other’s presence. And weeped.

Presence. The gift of our attention, heart, fullness, and love. May I be available, may I be willing, and may I bring my whole self into every moment of this precious and unpredictable life. Thank you, my dear friend, sister, guide, dreamer, weaver, explorer, seer, becomer, traverser, ignitor, and healer….It is you!

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