What Is This New Moon Teaching You?



Q: What Is This New Moon Teaching You?

A: This new moon is teaching me to tell the people I love that I love them. To hold them near and to be generous with my heart. There are many unknowns in life, many more than there are givens somehow. I am writing with a tender heart, feeling grief and empathy for dear ones who are suffering deeply. I recognize the fierce impermanence of this life, remembering the paradox of our strength and simultaneous fragility.

This moon is teaching me to let go. To not make choices based on comforts or preferences but to really listen to what the next steps may be that are in alignment with what feels true. There is a lot of confusion in the midst of chaos and during transitions such as birth and death, there is a lot to apprehend. I witness how the world changes when a child is born, and how it equally changes when a human being passes from this world. Life is a potent transit in between these two mysterious portals.


I am learning to navigate being. Being alive. Being human. Being a heart. Being your friend. Being your love. Being your sister. Being your daughter. Being an artist. Being a visionary. Being a psychonaut. Being Ciela. Being a world. Being a mind. Being a student. Being a leader. Being a listener. Being a lifeforce.

This Leo moon is urging me to go forward with courage. To keep going beyond the difficulties of this moment. To allow the light to shine from my noble heart and not to retract to the cave I am most comfortable in. I feel powerfully nudged, and I resist, yet much less than before.

I am having to cultivate and pull from new depths of beingness. The past week I have traversed many inner realms of ancient terror, immense fears, and the shadows of the shadows. I am learning about death from new places within and so also I am learning about birth. These two incredibly daunting human experiences in which we all share, are everywhere, all the time, reminding me that I am changing from moment to moment if I allow. From day to night, inhale to exhale, ripening to wilting, babies to elders, new minds surpassing the old, true beyond false, and so it goes. What a cosmic life.


This moon is teaching me to attune to my inner knowing, to listen more closely to my dreams, and respect the message of my visions. There are superpowers accessible if I slow down and pay more attention. Everything I need to know comes to me and I don’t have to look outside.

I steep in gratitude for all the blessings in my life. For you, for the wildness, for the animals and the stars. Thankful for the many gifts that life brings every day even when I don’t notice. I am praying for my loved ones who are challenged to their core right now, facing such brave paths of healing on so many levels, loss and tremendous grief, and crisis of identity.

This moon is calling me out. It is asking me to step more fully into the present moment in every way that I can. When I am alone or when I am with you, I understand the urgent need to be even more present to the majesty of this sacred life. I apologize with fervor to you if I have been busy or caught up in the trials of life in a way that has somehow widened the distance between us. And I thank you, for reading these words, taking the time to share this moment of heart and connection with me in this new moon.

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