You Have the Right to Remain Silent?

Q: You Have the Right to Remain Silent?
A: Yes. And I also have the right to speak. There is a considerable amount of energy that goes towards silencing those who have lived unique experiences, witnessed compromising situations or that have something to say that could incriminate the silencer. People have been murdered for the knowledge that rests upon their tongue. Others, tortured to either speak or remain silent. Can we see that the power is equal? That silence when authority requires an answer is met with aggression and threat? That the threat of speaking when those of power wish to hush the witness can lead to death?
There is no country, no culture, no gender or archetype that can escape this dilemma. Nor can the power of our tongue be ignored.
A tongue has the power to build nations or destroy them, to incite love or divorce, to nourish lands or to devastate the earth. A tongue wields a power of electricity that can give life or take it away. This serpentine muscle that initiates our intake of food, encourages or discourages, heals or harms has roots beyond our perceivable knowledge.
There is no past it cannot uncover, there is no future it cannot create for it is the vehicle of the word and perhaps as mentioned in John 1:1… In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
It can break our heart and it can resuscitate the dead, it can carry us into new worlds and it can kiss deeply forever. Our tongue. Our voice. Our power. Much of the world argues over one another’s preferred diets. Who are we to say what another can and cannot put into their own mouth? Jesus, with his valiant fire-pulsing words, was keen to point out that, Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man. Matthew 15:11
Regardless of religion or lack thereof, consider that sentiment for a moment if you will. Can we look into our lives and see the interwoven map of love and sorrow that has been created from our very lips and the words that come through them? Who else could ever be responsible for our lives other than our own self and the tongue that rules it when unobserved and unyielding. Perhaps the real question is how does one come into right relationship with this potent viper of gold?
The answers remain, I only pose the questions as I seek them deep within, observing my own relationship with the Word, the power of words, and the destiny that words have the ability to define. The Word. Words. Sentences. Grammar. Poetry. Phrases. Spoken. Written. May we all be inspired to reveal who we are through the words formed in our soul. May we learn to wield the lightening nature of this beast. May we tame ourselves through refined respect yet allow for an uninhibited freedom to burn brighter and mightier into the night before us.
"All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down." - Friedrich Nietzsche