Why an Eclipse of the Heart?
Q: Why an Eclipse of the Heart?
A: A Solar Eclipse is a cosmic gem intricately woven into a much larger heArt collage that mysteriously creates itself over time. There is no knowing precisely what the outcome of this larger expression will be, yet one can get a taste of the thematic lessons at play when a cycle of eclipses dot the inner skyline. Today the new moon is one of those dots. The fervent love of the superior Leo demands our attention and asks us to complete the deep inner shadow work of this past moon cycle. It’s been hot, firey hot. It’s been heavy, dreadfully weighted, and yet all of this reflection is worth its weight in gold.
Leo is the heart of the zodiac, and here we must come to recognize the various aspects of our own heart. Seek resolve where you can give more love to others, whether they love you or not, it doesn’t matter. Give. Give generously and stretch yourself beyond comfort. Smile…if you feel like it and if you don’t try it on anyway, just for a moment.
We’re coming into new energy, the horizon is bold, it is vast. We’ve felt like wild horses in a cramped stall, rearing to run, and held back by the handful of retrograde opportunities of late. If there ever was a time to be yourself, now is it, because the mask is over, so last decade. Don’t wait friends, feel the rise up from within you, there are currents of rivers moving in the landscape of your soul. Go with the flow and prepare for a rush in the months to follow.