Is it Enough?


Q: Is it Enough?

A: When in observation of the current world stage, courageously keeping my eyes open to the multiplying daily atrocities that currently plague our humanity, I ask myself – when is enough, enough? The human experience is no virgin to the full spectrum of love and hate, yet with the confluence of technological advancements to proliferate propaganda with such ease, are we now simply clearer of what has always been slurping under the surface? Is this the shadow in action? I would say, yes, absolutely and we have seen it again and again…but right now feels different. Why?

If we were to imagine that every humanity has a life cycle, as the Hindu’s believe, and this life cycle is organized by ages, then starting with the Golden Age, we would move through Silver, Bronze, and then finally into what we would currently be living, the Iron Age. This modern-day dark age is affectionately referred to as the Kali Yuga.

Kali is the dark goddess of death and transformation. She eats what is false for breakfast and brings the ego to its knees, arriving as the last-ditch effort to annihilate the big guns who work under the guise of pride, violence, sex and power. And yes, it is possible that all exist within each of our own psyches too. Let’s keep imagining, ok? If our world is truly a mirror of our soul, then suddenly our self-responsibility could feel overwhelming. There is no ‘other’ and each of us has to deal with our own shadow in order to change the external reflections we are each living and seeing today. 

It is not all doom and gloom, don’t get me wrong, I am extremely and perpetually optimistic about our future, for proceeding every dark age is yet again another golden age and as they say, it is always darkest before the dawn. However, I am also a realist and see with clarity the seemingly insurmountable tasks presented before our humanity and each of us as individuals to transform the present-day reality into the new world we yearn to co-create.

Today is a full moon (partial) eclipse in Capricorn which bookends the new moon total solar eclipse in Cancer which was July 2nd. These past two weeks represent a birthing and pulsing seed of intention planted, not only to flourish within the next six months of this year, but also fertilizing the next decade of our lives. This full moon is conjunct Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, who is still within magnetic distance to Saturn and the South Node. In other words, if you have yet to look boldly into what is not working in your life, you will be asked to look now without an alternative choice. Seize the day and venture into this incredible moment of upheaval to discard the rigid holding you back. As well, Venus opposite Saturn challenges the very foundation of our relationships, causing a powerful arrow of clarity into the heart of our heart which can be painful yet crucial. Neptune inspires solution through encouraging the connection to that which is greater with a trine to Venus and the North Node in Cancer. Venus on the North Node is a gift to receive, inviting us to remember the truth of our hearts while reminding us of our actual path forward. Mars in Leo trine Jupiter equals courage, the root word being cor meaning heart in Latin. Clearly, there is a theme here and a guiding light to help us pass through Pluto’s depths. 

Write your intentions down. Open your inner eyesight to the vision of what is possible. Be honest in discovering what is in the way and venture forth with deep breath and the knowing that you are not alone in this process, we are all in this together. 

The dark ages have a weight to them, don’t they? At times it feels as if the egoic expression is coming to a head and it just couldn’t get any worse, while all we can do is take self-responsibility and act from a place of awareness. Well, lately I have had quite an unpopular thought circulate through my vision that I feel compelled to articulate. In the US we are amped up for the upcoming election. There is a palpable anticipation fueling the mantra “dear God get us out of this disaster”, which brings me back to the question, when is enough, enough? 

What we have seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears over the past couple of years has been an incalculable series of devastating events, tearing apart the fabric of our country. Through this desperate coming undone, we can now see the ugly hidden face of what has been deeply festering under the ground of our base level politics. 

Is what we have seen to date (too long of a list for me to want to add here) enough to truly motivate actual change? For example, and in my opinion, had Clinton been elected, we would have remained oblivious to the truth now revealed. What next? Are we sure that a Democratic candidate can usher us into a new decade and save us all? Isn’t that just a bit similar to many of us ladies waiting for our knight in shining armor? And if we sit intently and ask ourselves if we actually believe that we can change the current system while still adhering to its broken record of a playlist, what is the answer we receive? 

A friend reminded me recently of the Einstein quote: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” I can’t help but hear this over and over and over.

The blaring solution, to me, is we need new minds. And how do we do this? By changing our own. We are the ones we have been waiting for, we just don’t know ourselves yet – we remain in the ignorance of our shadow, the ignoring of our truth, the sleepy destitution of a mechanical vibe, day in and day out. 

And even if our saving grace Democratic nominee does win, do you really think DT is going to leave the White House? Do you think he would actually leave on his own accord? He would prefer a civil war than to admit to a loss of any sort whatsoever. Yes, we have a situation on our hands and as opposed to seeing him holed up with hostages unrelenting about leaving his throne, I do hope that instead, a civil transition would be possible.

Yet, still I am left with the question it enough? Is it enough to have a sociopathic narcissistic pseudo ‘president’ providing us with an epically clear mirror of what we need to face within our own souls? Or do we still think it is ‘out there’ and that by voting in the “good gal/guy” we can all return to sleeping peacefully at night?