What Was That?

Q: What Was That?
A: In light of the astrology over the past months, we have now arrived at a moment of pause…in other words a threshold. While we have collectively entered into a sphere of revolution with the cosmic dance between Pluto and Saturn conjoining this past spring, every conversation, relationship, world event, horrific tweet, happening, breakup, or coming together has played a key role in the unfolding of what is to come.
And this past month ...Woah! Exactly, what was that?! Well, as with any threshold, there is a building up of energy, a climb to the apex of experience, or chapter of life, until we are faced with a decision. The last few weeks have been excruciating in moments, as if there has been a universal squeeze upon which has been deeply churning under the surface. Have you been postponing the inevitable in order to keep everyone happy? Have you settled for less than you know you deserve? How about holding it all together for the sake of the status quo?
Given the circumstances of these times, most likely the decision each one of us is facing is higher on the scale of sacrifice than what we would deem comfortable. This is not about comfort! If comfort is the path you choose, I dare say that it is one of a temporary fix. A threshold is not where we arrive and create a homestead if we really want to live. It is the precipice of change where the inner conflict of turmoil will remain to either push us over the edge in horror or harbor an illness of stagnation buried within layers of fear. It is a moment of reckoning where we must call upon every ounce of courage we have. And beyond our bravery, we must also rest into humility. Please venture through this doorway with reverence in face of the challenge and the opportunity before you. The more we can renounce our self-importance before stepping through the threshold, the better. Instead of clawing at the edge of the cliff, take the leap, soar and sail into the great unknown for that is where the magic truly exists!
We are each in the midst of this significant change, and if you do not feel this in your personal life, open your eyes to what you are not seeing. If you are enjoying the status quo amidst the revolutionary nature of 2019, it may be time to take a step back and take inventory on how you are really feeling about your health, relationships, job, way of being, the way you think, what keeps you up at night and what inspires you to wake up in the morning.
The invitation is out, you can accept or decline. This new moon in Leo conjunct Venus square Uranus is precisely the unpredictable nudge your soul is yearning for. If you accept, prepare for the adventure of your life. If you decline, prepare to be thoroughly disappointed as you will have to spend the rest of your days resisting the said invitation until you eventually surrender.
I am always taken aback by this saying in jest around this lifetime, “none of us get out of here alive.” And as Mohammed and other solar heroes have brought awareness before us…we have an opportunity to die before we die, psychologically, and therein lies our freedom. Well, …shall we?