Catharsis Anyone?
Q: Catharsis Anyone?
A: With the intensity of the cosmic play by play of this Capricorn season, who needs Netflix? Throughout time we have sought actors to reflect the emotions we desire to access within our own hearts. Theater can bring us into these depths we haven’t known or perhaps have hidden far away. In this moment now, our personal truth is on center stage, asking for our attention and to stay tuned for what it has to say.
My prediction for life from here forward is that there will be a new level of ferocity that has been ushered in by the recent Saturn/Pluto conjunction, full moon lunar eclipse. If my personal experience this week is any indication, I both look forward to this startling new reality as well as offer a respectful nod as my survival instinct perks up.
The heavy energies of these planets combined create a force of nature, powerful enough to instigate radical and essential shifts within our minds and not without a cost. And what is the hefty price tag? Letting go. In a recent conversation on the topic, the obvious consensus is that the hardest part is the ‘letting’. Once that is done, the going goes.
Honestly, I am in a process of “letting” something die inside of me that I have been holding onto for nearly 42 years…my entire life. It is an absolute wonder to me; how pristine is the divine orchestration of events, memories, situations, conversations, relationships, realizations, journeys, pain, and inner tumult that weaves together a story of triumph, having to be lived in order to understand and transcend it.
Not one ounce of this feels easy, yet there are easeful moments of grace and affirmation. Let’s contemplate how we often talk about letting go as a choice for a moment. Yes, I agree that eventually the act can be an empowered choice with dramatic effect. As well, it can be an incredible process of reconciliation within oneself to arrive at a moment of truth where one can release the fateful grip upon life as we know it. To surrender the suffering, regardless of how entangled inside of it we have become, encourages even more increased suffering momentarily, however, this time voluntary and conscious as opposed to the unconscious way we have lived before.
Perhaps the initial seed of the inevitable invitation to ‘let go’, existed even at the onset of the trauma I’ve been working to let go of. That somewhere inside of my innocent heart I knew I would have to face this wound one day in order to experience a reclamation of self. Having worked my entire life to reach a level of inner strength where I could approach my healing with both grace and grit. Could it be destined in a way?
I am both in awe and inspired by the unraveling of ‘story’ that life continues to reveal, lived out in every breath, every thought, every heartbeat. It is alchemical, it is archetypal, it is real. Although we have free will, I am aware of the inner guidance that is consistently and patiently awaiting me to respond in favor rather than in rebellion. I continue to work diligently to attune myself to this whisper of a call that is so lovingly ushering me towards the shore of the river. And for this…I am grateful.