May I Rise to Your Occasion?
Q: May I Rise to Your Occasion?
A: 2020? Check. Pluto/Saturn conjunction lunar eclipse to ring it in? Check. A new decade calling us into becoming who we truly are? Check.
And now this…a new moon in Aquarius squaring Uranus. Whenever I think about the weather on Uranus, I am gratefully reminded that we inhabit such a small corner of real estate within the universe here on the Earth Star. That what would be perceived as miracles here are of everyday normal occurrence on other planets. Have you heard about the weather on Uranus? It is -193 degrees Celsius and rains solid diamonds.
Wrap your mind around the impossible and that is what this next moon cycle is asking us to do. There will be surges of restlessness and an insatiable yearning for freedom as we collectively brace for the radically unpredictable lightning force under the influence of Uranus.
Clearly, we are up for big change, and truly, nothing can stop it. Knowing this, perhaps we can find some ease in the surrender and walk towards the invitation with some boldness in our step. The alternative? Curling up in the fetal position, wishing it would all disappear, and feeling even more disempowered when you realize it didn’t.
There is an occasion on the horizon, a celestial prom that will continue to reveal it’s invitation to dance over the course of the next several years. We are in a heightened frenzy of the confluence of technology, solution, destruction, and gravity. Meanwhile, our heart of hearts provides the impulse towards a new sought-after destiny of truth and authenticity. The cost? We must rise up and pull ourselves up like bootstraps. This is it. If not now…
Get uncomfortable friends. Trying to stay comfortable in the midst of waves of change is futile. Or as some of my teachers say, “lean into the discomfort. If you want comfort, get a dog.” Sometimes I’m able to find calm inside the storm of today’s world by simply working with the energy as nourishment. Energy is neutral, what we make of it is up to us. We have the power to transmute negativity into that which is useful. This is the inner journey, to become who we truly are by eating the challenges of ‘now’ for breakfast.
There is no avoiding what each of us will have to face in order to transform. Instead of denying this as we often do death, or distracting ourselves from the gnawing nudge to do our inner work with social media or any other kind of mind candy, what if we can enjoy the process? Discover ourselves completely anew and in awe every time? This new moon, a seed of innovation and vision, offers this particular occasion. May it be real, may it be surprising, may it be invigorating and transformative. Shall we rise together?