What Is the Answer?

Q: What Is the Answer?
A: Think for yourself.
In a time of forced reflection upon our collective wounds, the past, misdeeds, and various forms of oppression, the truth is yet to reveal itself entirely…This is just the beginning. At this moment, we reflect on racism. It is an ugly beast and a degenerate wart upon our society. It is a virus that lives and breaths under our skin.
Racism, within itself, does not care what color your skin is, it only craves to torment the “other,” and label another as less than itself. This thought that another is less, creates an air of superiority in the racist. The infliction of supremacy begins to eat one from the inside unknown within social circles and the raise of a glass. All appears well on the outside, until…
The walls are crumbling down. Not fast enough for my taste, and yet too fast for too many. Why hang on to the rigid beliefs that infuse our life with a formaldehyde mind? Hallelujah in the name of justice! May we fight with our fists high, with our words on the page, with the reallocation of resources, and the sharing of our power.
True power exists in the holiest of the sacred dwellings of our hearts. Deep within the folds of mystery, the jewels of truth and ecstatic love pulse in aching celebration of the possibility to share what is real. We are children of God. We are beloved beings of majestic order. There is nothing less than a miracle about our life and the privilege we have to breathe it in every day until our last.
Breath. Air. Wind. Change. The element of movement; intoxicating fluctuations that invisibly dance and give us life. Inhaling the truth, exhaling the false. Inhaling a new world, exhaling the old. Inhaling justice, exhaling injustice. May we breathe ourselves through this tumultuous transit of the unearthing of ancient pain. May we let the wounds breathe and invite the salt of the ocean to wash over our surrender.
We have officially entered into the cosmic sea of this decade with a fertile prowess. It is powerful, gale force in nature, and relentlessly dedicated to unprecedented (in our lives) upheaval. Let us fight for the freedom we have always craved and have yet to taste. May we become the Love that circulates throughout our vessel, within our very blood, the giver of life and strength. This is the beginning of a deeper reveal. Hold on and let go; the tides are shifting, the tectonic plates are rumbling, the fires are stoked…
A ring of fire, a solar eclipse, a solstice day of light! Sound the trumpets as the succeeding dance with Pluto and Jupiter alights once again with Saturn at their heels. Our eyes are drawn to the stars within the universe of our soul and a retrograde invitation to reflect in a contemplative revision of who we have been to date beckons us forth. What do I think? How do I relate? In what ways do I wield and/or share my power? Who is my authority? What is my Dharma? What is the answer?
“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.”
~ Richard Feynman