Why Do You Care?

Q: Why Do You Care?
A: Inside our hearts, there is a light. Inside this light, exists a fire. Inside this fire, is your love. Your love is a superpower, a high octave of sound beyond mind. An insurgence of fierce knowing, a doorway to compassion…And with this love, everything is possible.
Underneath our clothes, our hair, our eyes, and our skin, we are hearts beating—we are blood pulsing through, currents of lifeforce, energy, and miracles. Deeper still, we are a soul, a psyche, a spacious eloquence found in words and feelings, thoughts and attitudes. We have forgotten who we are in our diversity and as my dear sister, Oshoke, sings…we are truly a symphony.
Each one of us an instrument, carefully carved from earthen clay and stardust, coming into form from the formless. A resonance to resonate, a work of art to display, our voice—a high note on the page…it is time to coalesce and music through our lives. Sing! Stomp! Pound Mama Earth! Give into Her and she will give unto you. We come from Her, she is our Mother.
And within our galaxy, far, far away, the milky-ness consumes our dreaded woes. Our differences succumb to a higher mind that travels beyond the limits of what is so, and we are rescued by our memories of what shall be. For we are from the future and this will soon, also be, but a faded his-story.
We care because it is who we are, and those who have lost care are lost. Find yourself in the love of your heart, for there is no greater fire to transform the night into day and the day into light. Each of us is responsible, remember…there is no away. Stand true, listen, and deeply align for it is our inherent human being to ignite.
One day we'll look back, if just for a moment, and memorialize these years. You might even hear your own voice say one day, “I was there when the waves of upheaval poured upon society and tore apart the fabric of a nation woven upon lies. I felt as if my very own self was coming undone, my mind dissolving, my empathic breath disparate—and through it all, my faith kept urging me towards what we have come to know as reality, truth.”
“Symphony starts when you walk together, feel the heart beats and understand the unspoken words.”
~ Amit Ray